Chapter 1

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"Wendy! Wendy! Wake up all ready! It's 11 o'clock! Your usually up by now!" James shouted while jumping on Wendy's bed along side with Scott. "Come on! We're all waiting to play!" exclaimed Scott. Wendy sat up rubbing her eyes. The twins jumped down from the bed and raced out of the room and down the stairs.

"Boys! Please no running in the kitchen!" she heard her mother shout.

Wendy got up and put on a light blue dress that her mother had picked out for her the day before. She brushed her hair and tied it back with a pink ribbon.

Wendy got down on the floor and crawled under her bed. She grabbed a small wooden box with her initials carved into it. She crawled back out and sat down with the box on her lap. On top of her bed was a glass china doll. Wendy grabbed it and put one hand on the head, one hand on the body and pulled.

The head came off and inside the neck was a key. She took the key out and unlocked the box. Inside, was a chain neckless with a small acorn attached at the bottom. Wendy stared at it and smiled.

"Peter, I should like to give you..a kiss. " Wendy said blushing. Peter looked at Wendy confused, he put his hand out in front of her.

"Don't you know what a kiss is?" She asked.

"I shall know when you give me one." Peter replied.

Wendy pulled the thimble she was using earlier to sew Peter's shadow back on, off her first finger and handed to him. Peter looked at it very closely and examined the strange object. He put it in his pocket and looked back at Wendy.

"I suppose I should give you one now." Peter said.

"If you'd like." Wendy said blushing again. She leaned in close to Peter's face with her eyes closed. Peter looked for something on him. On his shoulder there was an acorn stuck to him. He plucked it off and put it in front of her.

"Ahem." Peter cleared his throat.

She opened her eyes and smiled at the acorn.

Wendy clipped the necklace on and tucked it in the front of her dress. She locked the box back up and slid it under her bed. Then she put the key back into the doll's neck and pushed the head back into place.

She started walking towards the door but stopped. Something was different. The air felt... strange. She slowly turned around and saw that the window had been shut. Wendy hurried across the room to the window. She pulled the pin, and pushed it open.

A cool summer breeze drifted into the nursery. "This window stays open." Wendy said while leaning against it. She stared out into the town of London. She saw 2 little boys walking their dog with their mother, laughing and prancing around. A business man running to get to work on time. Papers falling from his hands while he jogs anxiously.

As Wendy looked around she also saw a group of young women in nice dresses with their hair pulled back neatly They were sitting in the shade of a tree reading books.

That will be me soon enough, she sighed sadly.

"Wendy! Come on!" James screamed from downstairs. "Coming." Wendy called. She walked out of the room closing the door behind her. As Wendy walked down the staircase she could hear her mother talking to James.

"James don't scream like that. Okay?" Mrs. Darling said. James shook his head and ran out the backyard door to join his brothers.

"Good morning Mother." Wendy said.

"Morning dear. How did you sleep?" Mrs. Darling asked.

"Good." Not good.

"Good. Your breakfast is on the dining table. It has gone a bit cold though."

"That's okay. I'm not all that hungry." Wendy said while looking down at the floor.

"Are you okay sweetie?" Mrs. Darling asked concerned.

"Yes. I'm fine. Really I am." Wendy replied quickly looking up.

"Okay. Are you sure you don't want something to eat?"

"Yes. I'm sure."

"Alright. I guess I'll just give your plate to Nana then. Nana! Come on boy." Nana came running from the living room and sat in front of Mrs. Darling wagging his tail. She bent down and placed the plate on the floor for Nana.

"Is father at work already?" Wendy asked.

"Yes. He had to leave early this morning for a meeting. But he will be home around 2 o'clock." Mrs. Darling replied standing up.


Wendy started walking toward the backyard door when suddenly a cold bony hand grabbed her shoulder. Wendy jumped and whipped her head around, just to see it was her Aunt Millicent smiling at her. "Good morning Wendy. I assume you slept well?" She said.

"Good morning Aunt Millicent. I slept well thank you for asking." Wendy replied.

Wendy heard the front door close and saw Slightly starting to run until Mrs. Darling scolded him about no running in the kitchen. He casually walked the rest of the way from there.

"Hello Slightly." Wendy said.

"Hi Wendy. Are the boys outside?"

"Yes. Let's go."

Wendy and Slightly turned around for the backyard door when Aunt Millicent stepped in front of them. "Where do you think you are going young lady?" she asked.

"I'm going outside to play with my brothers and Slightly." Wendy replied.

"Slightly you may go play. Wendy you stay inside." Aunt Millicent said. Slightly pushed passed Aunt Millicent and opened the door to the backyard and ran after Wendy's brothers.

"Have you forgotten what today is?" Aunt Millicent asked Wendy.

"Today is Sun- oh....I forgot."

Every Sunday, Aunt Millicent takes Wendy over to her house to work on her behavior on becoming a lady. To be much more like the young women Wendy saw outside her window.

"You are 14 now. You should be more responsible, now come on deary. We are already behind schedule since you slept in so late." Aunt Millicent said while walking toward the front door.

"Have a good time dear. And listen to your Aunt Millicent." Mrs. Darling said walking toward Wendy.

"I have to ask you something."

"Yes. What is it honey?"

"Did you shut the window in the nursery earlier this morning?"

"No. Every time I do you children yell at me to open it. So I just don't anymore." Mrs. Darling replied.

"But then who-" Wendy started.

"Let's go Wendy dear, I'm not getting any younger!" Aunt Millicent called.

"Goodbye Mother." Wendy said while giving her mother a hug.

"Bye sweetie." Mrs. Darling replied resting her chin on Wendy's head.

"Wendy!" Aunt Millicent complained.

Wendy gave one last squeeze then ran after her impatient aunt.

I hate Sundays, she thought to herself.

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