Chapter 3

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Peter sped through the air. Tears running down his face. As they rolled down his cheeks, they dried up from the wind leaving streak marks. Peter skimmed over the tops of trees, not caring that the branches were brutally scraping at his torso and legs.

He raced up into the clouds as fast as he could fly. He slowed himself down and lightly hovered over Neverland. He gazed upon the entire island, his eyes cutting back and forth. Peter suddenly stopped searching and focused on one area. His eyes began tearing up at the sight of it. He put his head down and exhaled deeply. "You can do this Peter. It's for the best," he said to himself.

He then pulled his body downward and flew toward the island of Neverland.
Knock. Knock.

"Peter? Peter are you home?" a young women's voice cried, "Peter I know you're in there open the door!"

Tink awoke from her nap startled. She slowly made her way across the underground tree home. She flew up toward the rope and grabbed it. With all her might, she pulled down on the rope. A large section of the tree started to move. It lifted up from the bottom almost hitting Tiger Lilly in the face.

"Hey watch it! You almost- oh sorry Tink. I thought you were Peter. Is he down there? The tribe and I are going hunting and I wanted to bring Peter along. You know to give him something to do."

Tink shook her head back and forth.

"He's not here?" Tiger Lilly asked. "You didn't leave him alone did you?"

Tink looked at her with a innocent face and nodded her head like it was no big deal.

"Oh no," Tiger Lilly said with concern, "No no, this can't be happening. Please tell me he's in there with you safe and sound."

Again, Tink shook her head now with a worried look on her face. Tiger Lilly pushed passed Tink and traveled down the slide. She frantically ran to his bed. Nothing. She lifted the sheets and pulled them apart. She raced around the room screaming his name in hopes he would walk out of a dark corner for which she could not see.
After she had sifted through every single item in the home, Tiger Lilly fell to her knees.

"What have you done?" Tiger Lilly looked up at Tinkerbell, "You let him leave without anybody watching him? How could you do that? He can't be alone right now!" Tiger Lilly began to raise her voice, "Have you even noticed that he was cutting?! Or are you too busy sitting on your ass taking naps?!"

Tears started swelling up in Tink's eyes. She nodded her head angrily and mouthed hateful words toward Tiger Lilly. It was no use trying to talk to Tiger Lilly because only Peter can understand Tink. All Tiger Lilly heard was the faint chiming of bells.

"You know what, I'm just wasting my time. I need to go find him," Tiger Lily grunted as she stood up.

Tink stepped in front of her, glowing in Tiger Lilly's face. She pointed her thumb toward her chest and nodded her head up and down slowly.

"I'm coming."

"I think you've done enough thank you," Tiger Lilly responded as she flicked Tink with her index finger.
Tinkerbell stumbled through the air but quickly regained blalence and raced in front of Tiger Lilly.


Tiger Lilly let out a sigh and said,


Tiger Lilly pulled on the rope and a breeze of cold air hit her in the face. The sky swirled with dark grey clouds and heavy rain began to pour. Tiger Lilly looked back at Tink with wide eyes and said in an eerie voice, "We better hurry."

Sorry for such a short chapter longer ones coming your way!
Also, I love writing and if you have an obsession on anyone or anything I can look into it and maybe create a short story of it ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2015 ⏰

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