Who wants that perfect love story anyway, anyway
Who wants that hero love that saves the day, anyway
What about the bad girl goes good,
And the missing love that's misunderstood,
Black hour glass, our glass toast to clichés in...
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I arrived at school with Kane and Breah we actually picked her up this hadn't happened since she started driving herself.
"Okay sunglasses off now?" Kane asked
"No comet slapped me kinda hard" I said
"Should of asked to use my makeup"Breah said
I rolled my eyes but she couldn't see that so I had to say it.
"Breah we aren't the same skin color" I said
Breah smiled "oh yeah" she said and we walked into the school. I walked to my locker and saw Sincere and his friends there what the fuck?
"What you doing here?" I asked him
"Just checking up on you" He said
"What's up with the sunglasses?" Killa asked trying to take them off.
"Comet slapped me" i said
"Like Bitch slapped you?" Pigeon asked
"It was an accident we were play fighting then he hit a little too hard then boom" I said
"You sure? We can always jump him" Tj said doing karate hands. I laughed
"Very sweet boys but it was an accident" I said lifting my glasses and showing them how it wasn't that bad I was just being a drama queen.
"Why were you two play flighting?" Sincere asked me
"Because I beat up that old bitch of yours" I said then everyone was being childish and said ouu like I just dissed him
I rolled my eyes and put back on my sunglasses like the bougie Bitch that I was. I got my locker opened and got my books. I turned back around moving out the way for Kane to get his shit.
"So why are y'all around my locker?" I asked I was hella aggy right now.
"Attitude much?" Tj said
"Very much" I said
"I was just coming to check on you, you almost killed a bitch" he said
Breah and Kane stood beside me and looked at the boys.
"Her triggers when she about to go murder is her smiling, moving gracefully, and last but not least is her moving like a ballerina" they both said
"Oh got it, your like nuts" Sincere said
"Yeah, don't call me crazy either that's when I start really going crazy" i said to him
"Okay no crazy nicknames" Sincere said
"She got you whipped" Pigeon said
"I don't because he's not mine, now I'm going to class now" I said sticking up my middle finger and walking away.