Who wants that perfect love story anyway, anyway
Who wants that hero love that saves the day, anyway
What about the bad girl goes good,
And the missing love that's misunderstood,
Black hour glass, our glass toast to clichés in...
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I looked at Storm as she was sleeping on me I looked at her phone to see messages from her brother. I saw Storm eyes opening. She sat up and looked at me.
"What's going on?" She asked me
"Ugh Nothing your phone was going off" I said
Storm looked and saw her phone in my hands.
"And you looked?" She asked confused
"Yeah I just wanted to see who was blowing up your phone" I said
"Why? You think I'm cheating or something?" She asked laughing
"Nah of course not you not stupid" I said
Storm laughed at me "I am stupid, and don't check my phone again or I swear to god I'll punch ya jaw" she said
"Yo relax and watch who you talking too, it was just ya brother" I said
"I don't care don't check my phone for shit, you don't pay the bill" Storm said
"What you gotta hide in your phone?" I asked her
"No nigga the fuck you got in your phone! I'm good, it's you" she said
"Look my phone clean, you probably angry because of your brother you taking the anger out on me" I said
"Fuck you sincere" Storm said
"When?" I asked smirking at her
She pulled her hair into a ponytail good thing because that shit was a mess. Storm got up and took her picture off my mirror.
I jumped up quick and snatched the picture out her hand.
"Stupid ass, the fuck wrong with you, don't touch my shit" I said
"That's me and I want it" she said
"No it's my picture" I said
Storm rolled her eyes "I will beat your ass get rid of that attitude woke up mad cranky, cranky ass" I said
Storm looked at me and pouted she went to my bed and sat down and she started crying.
"What the fuck you crying for?" I asked her
"I miss my brother" she said
"Um stop crying, I'm gonna drop you off to your house, if it don't work out call me back" I said Storm nodded her head
"Okay" she said
~Storm pov~
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I arrived at home to see comet sitting on the couch watching tv.
I looked at him and walked passed him to my room and packed more stuff. I went to the living room and stood there and looked at him.
"What?" He said
"I want you to take back what you said to me and everything" I said
"No, I'm telling you the truth, you easy and for what? For some yellow skin nigga" he said
"Your a hypocrite and your a hoe too, just 3 months ago you cheated on Bianca and she still don't know, how would you feel if her brother called her names because she had sex with the guy she loves and you out here cheating and shit" I said to him
"Look I'm trying to look out for you, your already a spoiled little brat now you wanna start having sex, who do you think you are?" He said
"I'm a growing girl Comet that's who I think I am, and I'm no where near spoiled I don't ask you for a rack every damn month most I ask for is 20$ for the year" I said
"Look I don't want you have sex, sexing it up its weird your my little sister" he said
"Well too late already happening" I said
"Yeah and you need to slow the fuck down!" He yelled
"Why does it matter that I'm having sex comet! Why! I'm not stupid I know how to protect myself during the shit, so what is the real reason!?" I yelled back
"It who your having sex with! Sincere can't talk to me the way he use to because now he's dating and fucking my sister" comet said
"So what! That's no excuse for you to call me all those names! You yellow bastard you know what I'm tired of your shit! You always try to control my life! Stop it! I'm almost 18 I'm going to be going away for school you can't control me anymore!" I yelled
"When did I try to control you Storm!" He yelled
"All the time! I'm tired of it! Tired of you!" I yelled back
"When!" He yelled
"When you didn't want me to be with Sincere!" I said
"Out of all people why him?! Not even Kane but sincere!? Really?" Comet yelled
"Yeah Sincere and I enjoy every moment we spend together even if I'm just sleeping" I said
"What the hell is going on with us?" Comet asked
I wiped my face I didn't even notice I was crying
"I don't know but you need to re-evaluate yourself and get the shit together because your breaking my heart more than anyone else has, and I can't keep fighting with you about me growing up, I'm going to do the same shit you do" I said
Comet placed his hands on his head and shook his head.
"I can't Your my little stormi, I don't want you to grow up and do the shit I do" he said
"But I am, it's happening comet and you can't stop that" I said sitting next to him
Comet pulled me into a hug and kissed my head.
"Yo all jokes aside I'm sorry Storm I should of never called you those names, you only had sex with one person, and it's someone you really like and I gotta accept that shit, your growing up on me kid" he said
I nodded my head
"You forgive me?" He asked looking at me
"Yeah that was the longest we ever fought" I said to him
"2 weeks and where were you?" He asked me
"Kane and Breah house back and forth" i said
"Well your room is ready for you to come back" he said
"Good because I missed it and you of course" I said
Comet rolled his eyes and laughed
End of the chapter my loves I really hope you guys enjoyed the chapter make sure y'all comment and vote too my loves and if there is anyone else pov y'all wanna see let me know I'll work it in of course
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