Chapter 3

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It was almost three days before Harry could leave his bed without help and in that time Tom and he had become closer. He'd even been able to talk to Severus a few more times, which had been rewarding for both. Severus no longer saw Harry as a Marauder duplicate and Harry no longer felt like bashing his teacher's nose in.

However, today he was seated beside Draco in the library of Riddle Manor, drinking coffee and researching whatever they could on a halfbreed's first transformation. They still couldn't find Remus or Fenrir for that matter, so asking an actual Werewolf was...not possible as of yet. Harry was very concerned about it. Even if he refused to show it. Remus was his only relative left. If he was dead...
Harry shook his head and tried to continue reading. He read the same sentence three times before finally closing the book with a sigh of frustration.

*I give up. The full moon is in a week and we still can't find anything.* he signed after throwing the book to the floor, garnering the attention of his blond friend.

Draco looked his friend over. There were still circles under the raven's eyes from the constant nightmares that still assaulted him. But where as before you could almost count every bone in his body, now -due to nutrient and growth potions, he had meat on said bones.

"Don't worry, Ry, we'll find something. And if not, I'll be there with you no matter what." the blond replied, resting a hand in Harry's hair.

Harry leaned into the touch and nodded with a sigh. His friend was right. He'd already experienced some of the effects of being a halfbreed. The increase in smell and hearing and the thirst for rare/bloody meat. Sometimes when he couldn't get it, Severus would have a vial of blood supplement on hand to tide him over. And today he'd noticed that whenever he left either Draco or Severus' side for extended amounts of time, he would get antsy.
He told Tom through their link and he had suggested that he may have found his mates. Which he guessed was good. At least they wouldn't be strangers, but he wasn't too sure how /they/ would react.
Tom of course, promised to inform Sev and it was up to him to inform Draco.

*Um, Draco?* he signed to the blond after tapping him on the leg again to get his attention.

"Yeah, Ry?"

*I think I found my mates.*

"Mates? As in more than one?"

Harry nodded, a little sheepish.

*Yeah. Tom thinks it's something to do with how unstable my powers will be as a halfbreed.*

Draco thought it over and then nodded. Harry was a powerful wizard even if he was a sub. So it made sense that he'd need two mates to balance him out.

"Ok. Who are they?"

Harry blushed and looked at his lap. He refused to look up as he signed.

*You and Sev.*

Draco blinked in surprise.

"A-are you sure?"

A nod. He looked so sad. Like he was afraid of rejection. Draco started.

"Oh Harry. I won't reject you. I think it's brilliant. It's just so shocking. I mean I've liked you for a while now so to be able to be your mate, to be able to protect you and love you," his eyes widened in realization," to be able to have children with would be an honor."

Harry's head snapped up and his silver-green eyes searched Draco's for any fallacy. Finding none the halfbreed slumped in relief.

*You mean it? You want to protect me?* he signed with trembling fingers. Draco drew his mate into his arms and chuckled.

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