Chapter 9

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Severus and Draco stormed into the Manor, rage billowing off of them. The meeting with Dumbledore had almost ended badly. Almost. Luckily both Slytherins were very good at acting. Otherwise Harry's cover would have been blown with their need to protect their mate.

"I can't believe he would even /suggest/ that Harry's relatives cared one iota about our mate." Draco seethed, running a hand through his blond hair.

Severus snorted, gritting his teeth in annoyance. It had definitely been close. Draco may not have been able to see it but, the Headmaster's act had been in full force. And his Occlumency shields had been non-existent. Severus had been able to see everything he'd had planned for Harry. Including doing experiments on him as a halfbreed and breeding him due to his being a Brood.
If Draco had seen, no doubt his Veela instincts would have been too strong for him to control. Like Severus' own vampire side. It had practically demanded him to lunge across the table and rip his throat out. He had very nearly complied.

"I won't let him harm Ry, Uncle Sev."

Worry came into Draco's gaze as they continued walking towards the library so they could report to their Lord. Severus sighed and briefly squeezed his nephew's shoulder.

"I know Dragon. And neither will I."

They walked in silence, both caught up in thoughts of keeping their mate safe. By the time they reached the library they wanted nothing more that to see Harry again. To hold him and love him. To nuzzle him. Feeling extremely old, Severus opened the door and then stopped, a small smile flitting across his face. Draco, confused as to why Sev stopped, looked to where Severus was gazing and snorted.
Out cold in Voldemort's lap was their mate, black braid laying across his chest, loose strands of hair trailing over his almost innocent face. Tom looked up from the book that he was reading, while absently petting his little brother's head, and locked gazes with his most loyal Death Eaters.

"Sit. He's been out for a few hours now." Voldemort stated softly and gently closed the book before placing it soundlessly back on the table.

Severus sat across from their lord but Draco sat next to his sub, tenderly petting his lover's leg; reassuring himself that his mate was alright.

"So what happened with the old man?"

"Severus saw what the headmaster really wanted to do with our Harry, while he kept harping about how concerned the Dursley's were with Harry's disappearance." Draco snapped, eyes darkening.

Severus shuddered when Tom's gaze darkened as well.

"What did he have planned?"

"He was going to do experiments on him because he was a halfbreed."

Toms eyes narrowed and almost reflexively he pulled his brother closer to his person.


Now Severus' vampire rage couldn't be controlled and he stood and began pacing, his canines elongating.

"He was going to try to breed our mate, steal the resulting child, raise it to rely only on him and in the process have it kill off its own mother and anything else he wants gone."

All three men growled in anger simultaneously, causing Harry to stir and become aware of his surroundings. He gave a great yawn, stretching slightly before he looked around him and frowned.

*Sev, Drake? What's wrong? Why are you so mad at Tom?* the werewolf inquired, tilting his head in confusion.

Tom immediately stifled his anger and chuckled at the adorable picture his otouto made.

"They aren't angry with me little wolf. They are mad at Dumbledore. That conversation can wait until later. Now that your mates are here would you like to commence with the plan?"

Instantly Harry scrambled out of Tom's lap with an excited nod and waited. Tom chuckled again.

"Alright you two settle him down on the couch and hold him down firmly."

"What are we doing my lord?" Severus asked as he and Draco complied, situating Harry comfortably in between them.

Tom looked at Harry when he replied.

"I'm giving Harry his voice back. And it will hurt. So you two are going to keep him from clawing out his throat."

Harry nodded. Severus and Draco held Harry's hands in theirs in response, tense but willing to hear their mate's voice once more. They were ready.

"Let us begin."

-end of chapter nine-

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