Chapter 11

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As the Hogwarts Express chugged along, Harry read from a wizarding magazine, purring slightly when Draco returned to his current pastime of rubbing his belly. Just a few days ago they'd discovered that Harry was expecting twins and from the colours if the cores it was guessed to be twin boys. To better protect Harry, Tom had spent hours creating -and casting- protective spells around Harry's still semi-flat stomach.
His glamours had to come off though, so now all of Harry's scars were visible, further disguising him as Nathair. (When Harry became blood bonded to Tom his trademark scar disappeared).

Draco and Severus were very protective if their mate now and even Tom frequently checked on his brother through their link. Harry smiled at the hand on his belly and turned his attention to the magazine full of baby clothes in his lap. He pointed to a small black hoodie with silver and green snakes intertwined on the torso.

"What about this one, Dragon?"

Draco searched the page, taking in the detail of the article of clothing, then grinned. He gazed into the silver-green eyes of his beloved and felt happiness well within him and from his lover.

"It's perfect for children of two Slytherians."


"Ah yes. You're indeed being resorted. I forgot."

Harry rolled his eyes and began his previous perusal of the magazine.

"Have you and Sev thought of names?"

"We thought you could suggest and we'd go with whatever you came up with."

Harry looked up, astonished that he was being trusted with something so major.

"Are you certain? Because I already have two picked out."

Draco smiled and nodded.

"Ok. Um. Rigel Serpens and Altais Draconis." the raven haired teen replied nervously, twirling a strand of his now blue streaked hair around his finger.

Draco blinked in surprise at the names. Not only had Harry decided to keep with Black tradition but he'd given one of the children his first name as their middle. The blond suddenly grinned and leaned over to pull his lover into a warm sensual kiss. Harry moaned as Draco's tongue swept into his mouth and he snapped his fingers, causing the magazine to disappear as he climbed into his Dragon's lap. Draco growled and gripped at his mate's hips, bringing him as close to his body as he possibly could.

"Poor Sev. Missing out on this." Draco stated, nipping at Harry's neck.

Harry moaned and rocked his hips forward, submissively baring his neck so his mate had better access.

"He'll assault me later I'm sure." Harry breathed out, his long locks tickling Draco's hands that still resided on his hips. Draco snorted and pulled away slightly.

"Uncle Sev will probably pounce on you as soon as you make it to the common room."

Harry laughed. Draco smiled at the sound. Two months prior and he wouldn't have been able to enjoy this beautiful sound emitting from the raven on his lap. He knew Severus treasured every moment his had listening to the laughter of their wolf.

"Do you think Severus will like the names, Dragon?" Harry asked, burrowing his head into the crook of Draco's neck.

Draco smirked, but nodded.

"I'm sure he will."


They cuddled in silence, feeding each other comfort. It didn't last long. The compartment door slammed open and a familiar red head and bushy haired busybody stood in the doorway.

"Well well, if it isn't Malfoy. Already corrupting a new whore?" remarked the redhead with a sneer he couldn't quite pull off.

The bushy haired brunette sniffed audibly, as if the very sight of someone taking an interest in Malfoy offended her. It probably did. Draco growled when Harry burrowed closer to him, knowing on an instinctual level that their words hurt him greatly.
Rubbing soothing circles into his lover's back, he turned icy silver eyes to the intruders.

"Is there a reason you are here disturbing my mate, Weasel?"

This statement was met with surprised and disgusted looks from both the Weasel and the Mudblood.

"Mate? Who would mate with a Death Eater like you?" Ron scowled, making plain his disgust.

The raven haired figure spun around in Draco's lap and pinned him with angry silver-green eyes. They were once more surprised when a soft male voice emitted form the lithe figure.

"I would, you filthy traitors. He loves me and he cares for me. He and my other mate and my aniki. You would never understand. Don't bad mouth my mate, because you don't know him."

"Nathair, sit. Thank you for standing up for me and Panther, but they aren't worth it." Draco stated kindly, gripping his lover's hand and pulling his wolf back into his lap. Immediately Harry began to purr and cuddled close to his dragon. Running a soothing hand through the wolf's blue streaked raven locks, he returned his attention to the two furious looking teens in the doorway.

"I wouldn't insult him or us if I were you. I am very protective of my mate." he growled out and then chuckled when he felt Harry snuffling around his pockets in the inner most part of his robes.
"Left inside pocket, wolf."

With a cry of triumph, Harry pulled out a blood lollie and then settled into his lover's lap. He happily nibbled, ignoring the two annoyances at the door, garnering another chuckle. Both mates had quickly discovered that Harry's craving for blood lollies increased now that he was pregnant. So both kept the treats close on their person in case a craving struck.

"I'll talk to you however I want to Death Eater scum. Who is this whore anyways? I don't recognize him." Ron snapped, glaring at the raven.

Draco glared at the redhead but otherwise kept his face emotionless.

"I found him."

This elicited a sigh of contentment from the figure in the blond's lap. Hermione glared at Nathair in disgust.

"What. Did you force him into being your whore?"

Nathair bit harshly into his lollie and glared at the mudblood. He growled causing the two traitors to tremble. He sounded absolutely feral.

"No one forced me into anything. Dragon and Panther and aniki saved me from a fate worse than death. I was proud to be considered worthy enough to be Dragon and Panther's mates." he hissed angrily, spraying bits of blood lollie, his voice sounding slightly hoarse even though he hadn't raised it.

Draco winced. These idiots had no idea they were dealing with a protective and hormonal werewolf. He wasn't going to warn them.

"What could possibly have been so bad? Did your mummy and daddy not give you everything you wanted?" Ron scathingly replied. His tone mocking.

Harry snarled, his magic whipping around the compartment; the pendant, bracelet, and ring he wore glowing with a bright yellow light as the magics in them tried to help him calm down. He surged to his feet. Visible black tendril of Harry's magic wrapped around the traitor's necks, lifting them up.

"Fuck you. You know nothing of real pain or real suffering. Neither of you have been starved nor beaten. Neither of you have ever experienced loneliness. No. You've been coddled by a mother and father who love you. Who would never harm you. Who fed you and kept you safe."


Harry turned blazing, tear filled eyes to his mate and released his hold on the two lumps of flesh now taking up residence in the floor. Draco opened up his arms and with a sob of remembered pain, Harry crawled into his lover's lap, curling into a ball. Whispering words of comfort into Harry's ear, the halfbreed eventually calmed.
Draco seethed with anger at the pain he felt reverberating through the bond.

"Last warning. Stay away from my mate. Trust me when I say you will regret this." the blond snapped and with a violent push of his own magic, flung the two out of the room and locked and warded the doors.

Sev wasn't going to be pleased.

-end if chapter eleven-

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