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ochako wakes up.

her eyes wide open, her body cold despite the covers wrapping her body, and her pale skin sprinkled with droplets of sweat.

she gets up, trying to remember where she was and what reality was she exactly living in.

she sees the girls of class 1-a deep in sleep in their futons, the aircondition sending cold air into the dark room. the lights were shut off and the windows were hidden by thick, maroon curtains, not allowing the moonlight to shine into the dim area.

ochako sighed in relief, her heartbeat finally coming to ease.

the brunette just had a dream, or rather, a nightmare. due to the fact it wasn't a lucid dream, she couldn't control her actions nor the words she chose to let her lips let out .

her mouth let out the words "i like you" to a certain clumsy boy with a mop of green hair in her illusion. he rejected her unfortunately, causing her to break down in tears right infront of him.

due to the shame she felt in the dream, it felt so real to her, causing her to wake up instantly from her fear and most likely including her embarrassment.

the panic remained inside her, her stomach feeling somewhat sick and her head aching.

she sighs and gets up. she begins to tiptoe her way to the wide window panes, gently opening the thick cloths to reveal the beach.

the moonlight reflecting on the sea's surface while the stars shimmer brightly certainly pleased her eyes. the sea's current causes several waves to hit the shore, seashells appearing from time to time.

ochako gazes at the sight before closing the curtains and exiting the room, desperate to take her mind off the dream.


ochako walks out the house, the outdoor lights still turned on, their bright rays of articial light spreading on the path.

she walks out with her rubber slippers on and her jacket wrapping around her body. the night breeze greets her as soon as she takes her first step out of the shelter she was just in.

she reaches the beach, the sounds of waves splashing down on the sand soars through the area. the stars shimmer in the night sky, clouds swimming in the darkness above.

the brunette starts to walk across the shore, the waves nearly hitting her feet. she keeps her eyes locked on her slippers as she lightly hits the sand and leaves little footprints.

she silently counts the steps she was taking, her mouth slightly mumbling them out.

as she continues to walk, she bumps into something. a person to be exact.

"ouch.." she groaned in pain softly before stumbling backwards slightly. she rubs her head a few times, easing the pain before lifting her eyes to see a widened eye freckled boy.


a light hue of pink spreads across the brunette's face, the illusion of him rejecting her appearing before her eyes from the nightmare, shame and fear filling her up like a sink in its limit.

❝ SWEET GREEN TEA. ❞ | izuocha oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now