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the moon looked
lovely tonight
and the flashback
of my younger self
always imagining
moments with my
crush beneath the
night sky came in my
head so it pushed me
to write this


deku inhaled beneath the moonlight. he took in the frigid air of the night into his nostrils, his shoulders rising from his doings. he shuts his eyes.

he recently got a crush the other day. he was smitten for a young, chocolate eyed, and pretty, rosy cheeked brunette.

ochako uraraka.

he then exhales.

ever since his feelings for her began to blossom, all he's been feeling was butterflies soaring in his stomach, and a sweet feeling coarsing through his veins every second. he quickly assumed that's how the days will go. no pain, just butterflies and pretty rainbows.

today seemed different though.

he tried to recall everything that happened today. a wave of different emotions crashed on him today, with no warning too. it was shattering him, he's still learning to get used to it, so it explains his state of making the smallest things into big ones.

an example of these so called 'small' things, was jealousy. he never got to feel that stinging pain of seeing your love interest with another person who seems to have made them happier than you can. it stinged, a lot apparently. the sad part was that he couldn't seem to look away from her and that certain other boy that day. whrn he couldn't handle that pain though, he finally looked a way, a heavy weight landing on his chest.

aside from the typical jealousy stuff, he got ignored. he greeted her by the gates of the campus, but what he got as a reply was the act of walking pass. other than that, he offered her to sit together by the table during their afternoon meals, lunch. sadly, he was ignored, and got the same reply from her too.

he was new to this crush thing, so it was obviously reasonable to feel feelings in a very odd manner. he didn't get how jealousy, nor the feeling of being smitten, worked out. he wanted to know more though.

but right now, he just wanted to think.

think of really odd things that somehow makes him .. happy.

like, holding ochako's hand beneath the night sky, and walking barefoot on a beautiful, empty field. together, they run across the land, the stars sparkling from above and the moonlight providing light for the scene. then, they fall on the crispy grass, and laugh. laugh at their puns, laugh at the silly way they run, laugh at the unfunny jokes they say, and laugh at .. everything.

another scene he wished to occur, with a low chance of occuring, was being alone in a coffee shop, with very calm and sweet music soaring in the area. he invited her to a date, which was something he wanted to do but can never do in the true world. then, ochako comes in late, the bell from the door dangling and creating a ding sound. he sees her in a very simple, casual yet adorable outfit, panting and hands glued on knees. then, she sits down, letting go of the book that she was clutching and pressing it against the wooden table. they then begin to chat. they chat about their lives while sipping their warm beverages. in thi scene, deku was courageous and bold, and that was something he aimed to be in reality, but it was harder than he thought. because of his role in the scene, he gathered all the courage to ask her the questions he never got the oppurtunity to ask in the reality he was really in. what a lovely time it would be if deku was that bold around her in reality.

he also wished he would be alone with her in the school building, with a brutal storm ongoing outside, preventing them from leaving their sides. they would gaze at the raindrops against the glass panes around them, and they would talk about deep things, like life, their future, love and what not. they would open up about their personal life obstacles, and they would give each other advice how conquer life's brutal battles.

aside from dates, he had another imagination. he imagined him actually being bold. having the guts to tell the things he always thought of her. her pretty, chocolate eyes, her pink, rosy cheeks, her cheeky smile and her peachy laugh, there was so much more inside of her too that was worth describing. marvelous, wonderful, extraordinary, adventerous and so much more. at this point, words can't even describe how amazing ochako is. he imagined himself complimenting her with no shade of red visible on his face, his body still instead of trembling, and his lips forming a smile instead of some odd, wobbled shape. he imagined himself as a confident, bold, and brave boy in situations of such things.

he also imagined him actually asking her to go steady, or basically, be together. it was flawless in his vision. his face looked calm, and his shoulders were relaxed when he confesses behind the school building. and her reaction - boy, her reaction certainly satisfied deku. a wide smile, eyes crinkled into crescent shaped, and lips opening to say a simple word, "yes."

but all of those were all in deku's head. all of them were scenes and moments that he wishes to occur, any of them would be fine.

he pushes his hand through his hair as he stared silently at the moon at his room's veranda.

he sighed, "this is frustrating." he mumbled, looking back at the moon.

the breeze of the cold night hits him while his hair began to dance with the wind. he stares off at the distant.

with the silence of the cold night, he was at ease. his heartbeat rate was stable, and his mind was relaxed. despite the frustration of this puzzle known as his feelings, he was calm after such a great session of daydreaming. he was not broken from the fact those scenes may not happen instead, he's rather more relaxed, because the thought of those scenes actually still having a chance to happen really relaxes him. he was truly at ease.

until, his phone buzzed.

he jolted up and turned around. he sees his phone, the screen lit up in the dark room of the young boy. with hesitance, he gulped and approached it.

he picks his phone up to see a message.


URARAKA | sorry if this
sounds weird and quite
unexpected, but
good night :)
[11:11 AM]

URARAKA | that was
awkward i apologize
[11:11 AM]

was just kinda
thinking of
you so
[11:11 AM]

URARAKA | yeah
[11:12 AM]


deku's face began to flush with red. it's quite a surprise, because ochako seems like the type of person who wouldn't tell someone they were thinking about them.

and out of all people, it was deku.

he pushed his lips together in the silence.

he felt awfully happy at this moment. receiving such a wholesome message in the middle of the night was overwhelming, but in a good, warming way. deku felt like a high school girl fangirling over literally the smallest thing their crush would say or do.

he read the message again.

and again.

and again.

and again.

he couldn't help but smile just after a few minutes.

he then laughed at his smitten, and lovesick state. "you're so strange, midoriya." he murmured to himself.

the red on his face faded, and the only thing on deku's face was a soft, gentle, and genuine smile.

he typed back.


YOU | was thinking
about you too :)
[11:13 AM]

YOU  | goodnight !!
[11:14 AM]


he was absolutely smitten especially after daydreaming in the dark.

guess who else was doing the same thing in the same building?

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