Trip to the Underworld

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Hades pov
My brethren watned to host a party for their kids at my plae for some reason and now I need music. Ok welp I think I'm gonna hire Percy

"Hello how may I help you " I would like circus themed music for kids tomorrow. "Ok me and my co-worker nico cand do it what time " 5 pm "thanks for your business.

Next day

Ok demigods and gods lets get this party started. Hit it Thals.

circus of the dead

Kill the lights

And for the last song
Talk of The Town

I chose this last song in request of lady Hestia

Before concert

You called my lady "yes you see when we were young hades was the only one there for me and so O would lime you to play this song because they are presenting hades with a temple and throne in Olympus like they did me " of course milady


Zeus yelled "people we have gatherd today to present hades with a gift " *confused hades * "this gift is a temple in Olympus " * shocked hades * "and a throne in the olympian counsel" *unconsious hades* uncles p said "brothers and sisters I think we broke him "

And then I left


Help me please comment and give me sanario and song ideas please

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