chapter 1: dead fool

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"Shit, shit, shit." I yell as I turn of the gas. My kitchen curtains are currently on fire, I left my stove on and this was my punishment. I quickly turn on my tap and search for scissors. 'I will fix this.' I keep thinking as I climb on the kitchen counter. With shaking hands I start cutting in the thin curtain. I snip a last time and the piece of fabric falls in the sink.

With the tap still running I sit down on top of the counter. It feels like I can finally breathe again. "Fuck." I exhale.

After eating what I was originally cooking, I decided to get new curtains before my parents came home. I put on my sneakers and grabbed my jacket. With my keys in my jacket and my phone and wallet in my back pocket I left my house.

The convenience store isn't far from my house so I walked. The streets were full of people and I was lucky a car stopped to let me pass. Suddenly, I hear a roaring motor getting closer. I get scared and look the way the sound is coming from. The driver doesn't stop, I try to cross the street, but it's too late. The car makes impact with my body and I get launched over the street. I feel myself roll a few times before ending up with my back on the asphalt. A warm feeling enters my mouth and my body turns cold. I try to get up, of course with no luck. I see people standing around me, but I can't hear anyone. The only thing I hear is my weakened heartbeat loudly beating in my head. I cough up blood and feel myself slipping into unconsciousness.


When I wake up again I don't recognize my surroundings. 'What happened?' I ask myself. I sit up straight and rub my eyes when I suddenly remember what happened. 'I got hit!' I open my eyes and look around the room. I expected I would be in a hospital, but I'm not. Instead I'm sitting in the middle of a large, dark room. There's marbled pillars on all sides of the room, they're filled with subtle blue accents. In front of me there are four stone and metal chairs, thrones I suppose. The ceiling is made up of blue glass that is being held together with metal, yet you can't look outside. Overall the room is quite dark.

Wait, if I was in that accident and I'm not in the hospital, it means I'm dead. Am I in hell, I can't be in heaven, its way too dark here. But it's not hot here, nor are there flames. Then where am I?

As I'm thinking that a women enters the room followed by a boy around my age. "Sorry for the wait." The women says as soon as they sit down. "Please stand up young man." I quickly stand up and bow. "Do you know where you are?" She asks. "No I do not, ma'am." The women nods to the boy next to her. he stands up and begins to talk: "You are in Heon, the kingdom that lays between heaven and hell. She is Shyna Verillia, queen of Heon, and I am Akai Verillia, prince of Heon. Because of our status you will have to adress us and my sisters as 'your majesty'."

The queen orders her son to sit down. "Young man, I would like you to tell me something about yourself." She says to me. I straighten my back and say: "I am Amari Koshi and I am 17 years old." The queen hums. "Your majesty, may I ask a question?" "Of course, go ahead." She looks intrigued, as if I was the first one who had dared to ask her something. "I am dead right? I just want to know if my parents are alright." The prince leaned forward when I asked them and was about to tell me off when the queen stopped him. "You are indeed dead. As for your parents, you will be able to see how they are doing when they have accepted your death. But I have to warn you, they currently think you are in a coma." I felt disappointed, at this rate I wont ever be able to see my parents again.

"Amari, I see great potential in you, I would like you to become a warrior and fight alongside my son." The prince and I both look at her in shock. I, a warrior? I wasn't fit to fight, I'm skinny, weak and easily scared, all traits a warrior should not have.

"But mother look at his shape. He is too fragile to be a warrior." The prince argued. It hurt my feelings a bit to hear it from someone else, but I kept standing strong. "You also aren't that strong." The queen told him. 'Ooh burn.' I thought.

"Maid!" The queen called and a girl came in through a door to my left. She bowed and waited for orders in that position. "Please accompany Amari to his room." "Yes, your majesty." The maid turned to me and pointed to the door. "This way please, young warrior." Wow, I was already being treated as a warrior even though I haven't done anything.


I followed the maid into a hallway with a door each 10 meter. She opened a door and led me inside. I had never seen a room bigger than this one. A two-person bed, gigantic closet, a desk and a small table in the middle of the room. "That way is the bathroom." The maid pointed at a door at the side of the room. "I will bring clothes in in a few minutes, you may take a bath in the meantime, young warrior." "Thank you." I said and the maid left the room.


Thank you for reading!<3
I promise I will try to make this story stick.

PS: I don't actually believe there is a place like this. I just made this up for the story.

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