👘yoonglless👘 (VIP-ORDER)

248 34 27


Taehyung was arrogant, but near Mihyo he was very fond of it. She had a donkey behavior, but when she was with Mihyo she behaved like a father, just as thoughtful. The two were totally opposed, the girl being light, and the boy the darkness. Even if they were totally opposed, the two came together. How? They do not even know. Since with that party where Taehyung came to drink pretty much, all things have changed. She abused the girl sexually, after Mihyo heard nothing of him. 

I'm really sorry you have been waiting for so long

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I'm really sorry you have been waiting for so long. Now I'm not sure you still need this cover, but if it is so than I hope you won't be disappointed...

I couldn't do something more appropriate to the story as your discription didn't give me a chance to catch the main idea for the cover.


Remember the rules you have to abide after taking the cover:

• link me as a covermaker in the description of your story

• not delete this covershop from your Reading list

• the cover must be on your story for 3 weeks (im gonna observe you, keep it in your mind)

• if you don't respond me that you take the cover, it'll become a premade and you will be in my Blacklist

Fighting to you
and your fanfiction🙌

ALpoint: Covers And Other (Закрыто Навсегда)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя