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"And then your potions done" professor Slughorn spoke, placing the last ingredient into the rusty cauldron on his oak desk
"Now Please get into pairs to create this potion as we're running low on ingredients" he finished, clasping his hands together as he went to sit at his desk slowly grabbing piles of paperwork. Walking to the ingredients room and holding all she needed Hermione suddenly felt a light tap on her shoulder, turning around she was surprised to see a certain blonde boy in front of her, a small smile plastered in his face
"Partners?" Draco asked, a slight pleading look in his eyes. Hermione's eyes brightened as she smiled
"Of course!" Putting the ingredients into one arm the bushy haired girl used her other hand to lightly but firmly hold onto dracos' as she led them out of the cramped room and other to her desk, ignoring all the gasps and whispers as people saw them. Still firmly holding his hand, making him lightly blush and smile, Hermione put all the ingredients down and looked at him also blushing
"So we have to add the Gillyweed first so-" Hermione quickly glanced down at their hands, bushing furiously she quickly let go of his hand letting it sadly drop back to his side
"Sorry about that" the girl looked down, looking at the old stone floor hoping she could get sucked into the ground at any moment. Hesitantly,Draco lifted his hand to her chin lifting her gaze back up to him before quickly letting his hand drop back down, blushing
"Don't be sorry about it..I liked it. Your hands are soft" he chuckled before smiling at the girl, realising what he just said he decided to quickly change the subject
"So uhh, gilkyweed huh"
"Oh yeah, gillywe-" Hermione started but was quickly and harshly dragged away from her desk over to the classrooms far corner, turning around to see her 'attackers' she was quite surprised to see her raven and red headed friends standing there with rage filled faces and arms snaked into a cross fold
"Woah, what's wrong guys?" The girl asked, quickly glancing at a concerned looking Draco back at the desk before looking back to the two angry boys in front of her
"What are you doing Hermione?!" Ron,eyes full of confusion and anger, snapped in a whisper-shout only audible to them
"What?" She muttered, looking at the two confused
"Oh don't play dumb Hermione, you're being nice and making Googly eyes with the enemy, while holding hands might I add!" Harry continued to whisper-shout at the girl, they didn't want to upset her or make her angry but they were confused
"The enemy?!" Hermione shouted a bit too loud, soon the once chatter filled classroom was deadly silent, like hawks, all eyes were on the trio in the corner hungry for the information in front of them.
"I'm not going to deal with this Draco's changed, he's different and he's trying to be a better person and I thought you two being my best friends might be able to understand that I want to give him a second chance" Hermione, aware of the eyes on them, whispered to the two before she strutted back to her desk next to Draco leaving the two dumbfounded in the corner. With chatter coming back to the room like a fresh breeze Draco thought it safe to speak
"I'm sorry" he said, looking to the girl with a sincere look in his beautifully stormy eyes
"What are you sorry for?" Hermione looked into his eyes
"I shouldn't of asked to be your partner, you just got in an argument over me again and I don't want you to be in a fight with your best friends. It's my fault, I'm sorry. " looking down the boy had only guilt in his stomach, he hated doing this to Hermione
"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. I would choose to be your partner either way, I don't care Draco. You're a different person and I can see that and I love spending time with you so please don't ever feel sorry. Harry and Ron will come around eventually, they just need time I promise" the girl smiled at him as she spoke, looking up at her the blonde boy hugged her. She felt safe in his arms, complete.
"Okay class, lessons over"
---a long painful few hours later at dinner---
Hermione, Harry and Ron hadn't spoken since Potions and neither of them intended to, they hated fighting but stood up for their beliefs. Ginny, seeing how the usual best friends were behaving let out a long sigh before she snapped
"Okay you three, I don't know what's happened but you need to get over it! You're best friends, the golden trio! What could be so bad that you wouldn't talk to eachother all day?!"
"I don't know why don't you ask Hermione" Ron said flatly before eating some more of his roast, the taste melting in his mouth
"Hermione?" Ginny looked to her friend, a pleading expression staining her face
"These two are angry at me because I've forgiven and am getting along with Draco" she huffed, rolling her eyes as Ron glared at her
"You guys!" Ginny started at the boys, both looking at her with shock not expecting her to choose Hermione's side
"You need to stop this! Hermione is one of your best friends and if she wants to forgive Malfoy then you should respect her decisions as a friend, she's allowed to make her own choices and speak to who ever she wants" she quickly finished, leaving the two boys completely dumbfounded and shocked as they slowly ate their chicken not sure on how to resume their defence. While this was happening with the boys Ginny slowly leant over and whispered into her friends ear
"So it's going well with Malfoy then huh?"
Before she evily smirked, knowing she messed with her best friend. And she had, Hermione Granger was completely frozen with a crimson colour painting her cheeks but before anything else could happen dinner was over and professor McGonagall hesitantly made her way over to the front of the hall she spoke,
"can all 7th years please stay behind please" speaking with pure guilt and sorrow in her voice leading everyone to wonder what was so bad and why the seventh years were involved...

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