|💙| Prologue

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      Normal P.O.V.

  A girl with dark hair in a pony tail walked down the hallway flawlessly as students envied her. Her name was Kanna Hinata who was 16 years old. She smiled and waved to her friends as she passed by. It was like she was a princess dancing on air. Her smile was bright and beautiful and she adored everyone. There probably wasn't a single bone of hatred in her body.

  She accidentally bumped into a boy in front of her which caused his stuff to fall down along with his glasses.

  "Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention..let me help you." Kanna quickly apologized and handed him his glasses and books.

  "Wow thank you Hinata-san, you're so kind." The boy said blushing at her and she smiled.

  "Its the least I can do. Bye." Kanna responded to his statement and walked away. All the boys were swooned over her.

  "BAKAITOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" A loud scream was heard from Kanna hot headed friend Aoko Nakamori. People were shocked to see how Kanna and Aoko became friends because of how different they are. Kanna thought Aoko had an intresting personality so she friended her quickly. Kanna always ends calming her down when ever she gets angry.

  She didn't expect Kaito Kuroba to clash into her though, and hide like a coward behind her. Kaito Kuroba found Kanna like a rose and secretly had feelings for her. He never told anyone and kept his poker face. He knew he can't have a chance with her because she was popular (of course) and with his current situation of being Kaitou Kid he didn't want her or anyone in danger.

  "Kawaii-Chan! (His nickname for you) You have to save me from your best friend! She's crazy with that mop of hers!" Kaito said hiding behind her waist like a child as Aoko came running up around the corner with molly the mop (That's what Kanna called the mop LOL).


  "Aoko wait! Calm down!" Kanna told Aoko. Aoko stopped but still glared at Kaito as he stuck his tongue out at her as he was on his knees with his arms around Kanna like she was his mom scolding a bully. "I'm sure there is a reason why you want to destroy Kaito?"

  "He looked at my painties!" Aoko explained angry at Kaito. Kanna looked back at Kaito and pulled him off the ground.

  "Kaito that is in gentlemen like." Kanna scolded him. "Apologize to Aoko." Kaito huffed and crossed his arms.

  "Sorry it won't happen again...maybe." Kaito finished under his breath.

  "You better be. Anyway, Kanna are you coming with me to the museum later this evening?" Aoko asked putting her mop away.

  "What are we going to the museum for?" Kanna asked. Aoko sighed.

  "So we can see Kaitou Kid behind bars! My dad has a perfect plan to catch him this time!" Aoko cheered and Kaito rolled his eyes. Truth be told Kanna had nothing against the Gentleman theif because in the end he returned to jewels, so he's not a bad guy right? But she's not a Huge fan girl either.

  "Um..sure? I'll go." Kanna shrugged her shoulders. She was just gonna go home and read books but she's willing to spend time with friends.

  "Great, I'll call you for the Mueseum details later. Meet me at 7 because the Heist is 8 o clock." Aoko told her before she skipped off to the next class. Kanna walked out the classroom as Kaito was deciding a plan on how Kaitou Kid will make an encounter with precious Kawaii-chan~.

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