|💙| The Kaitou Kid Heist

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Normal P.O.V. 

  Kanna arrived at the museum Aoko was informing her about. It was called The Nekozawa Museum (I made the museum up). The jewelry that the famous Kaitou Kid would be stealing tonight. When you were invited in your wanted to see the beautiful canvases but Aoko's father stomped up to her.

"Hello inspector. Nice to see you." She greeted smiling. He didn't reply he pinched her cheek. She made some type of swirming noise because it hurt badly.

"Apologies Hinata-san, every one must be checked to see if they are Kaitou Kid." Inspector Nakamori explaimed to her. Kanna nodded respectfully but she was upset because he pinched her cheeks hard. She then went to greet Aoko. Aoko smiled seeing her best friend.

"Wow, this is my first time seeing a Kaitou Kid heist." You told her kind of excited. Aoko looked back at her.

"Really? I never knew that.." Aoko said dumb founded. Kanna nodded.

"Yup! I usually watch him on the news or something. I find Kaitou Kid..interesting. I feel as if he is stealing for a purpose." You explained.

"Yeah probably just to be greedy and steal." Aoko said upset. You shook your head.

"Then why does he give them back? I don't think he's a bad guy." You reasoned to her but Aoko still disagreed.

Little did you both know that Kaito/ Kaitou kid  was dressed as a police officer listening to there conversation. He was happy and secretly rejoicing on the inside, to know that you didn't think Kaitou Kid was a bad guy. Kaito smiled and walked off to begin his heist for the night.

274 words YAY!!! Hope you liked this chapter feel free to vote and comment what you think. I felt this was a little to short but I've been really busy on book reports and essays and other crap that's not worth my time and effort. Any who thanks for reading! Byeeeeeee

~ Macstarr 🌟

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