The end of the beginning

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Oh my god you guys im SO sorry this took so long!! I explain everything down at the bottom, i promise. This chapter is gonna be the start of the next like 'part' of this book- you guys wil see. Comment and tell me what you think!!

The next morning, I woke up in an empty bed.
I didn't know where Peter had gone, but I couldn't help but think about last night. It was like I was living in a day dreamm and I didn't know what to do. I loved this feeling.
I sat up, sighing, and closed my eyes for a second before finally getting up. i had packed jeans and a blouse, but I ended up just changing into spandex (I had brought them last night guess who's prepared heehee) and Peter's sweatshirt, that was sitting thrown over a chair in the corner.
I pulled my fuzzy socks a little higher and shuffled my way into the bathroom, where I looked in the mirror.

Wow, I looked like shit.
eh, ain't trying to impress anyone.

The bathroom was huge, with a big counter and sink, and a giant mirror. I spent at least 15 minutes putting my hair up in a "messy"bun, which is actually a "neat but made to look effortless and messy" bun. I put some mascara on, because without it I actually looked like the Kermit the frog meme.
As I toyed with the mascara wand, making sure I got all of my eyelashes, I started thinking about how incredibly lucky I was to have peter, when I heard a knock.
Well, speak of the devil.
I put the mascara away and opened the door to Peter, in a tshirt with a giant grin on his face.
"Yeeeees?" I asked, walking back into the giant bathroom. I hopped up on the counter, swinging my legs like I used to do when I was little.
Peter leaned against the doorway, and gave me an adorable look.
"Whaaaat?" I said like a 4 year old as I blushed.
"You're just..." he trailed off, and looked down as he pushed his hair out of his eyes.


"I was just thinking how lucky I am to have you," He said, and he walked in, pushing himself between my knees and holding the small of my back.
It was weird, because I knew him, and what he was doing. To anyone else, it would have looked weird, or sexual, but I knew when he held me there and pressed our foreheads together, it was his way of telling me he had me, and I was his.
"Ya know, they're waiting for us downstairs," I whispered, looking into his eyes.
"Mhhhm," He said, laughing a little, pulling me in. Im just gonna say it, I really missed his kisses. He gently grabbed the front of my sweatshirt, well really his sweatshirt, and pulled me closer. I deepened the kiss, and he surprised me by picking me up and running out the door with me, holding me bridal style as I laughed. Honestly, it was an ugly cackle, but he Tripped on the way down the stairs.
We both went tumbling down the stairs, our legs and arms tangled together, and I felt him latch onto me so I wouldn't get hurt. By the time we reached the bottom, I was laughing so hard I almost couldn't breathe, and he was rolling around next to me, laughing even harder. It was that moment, rolling around on the ground with my boyfriend, that I decided finally that he was the one for me.
I heard a little cough, and looked up to see literally all of our friends standing around us. Kate smirked and bent to pull my sweatshirt down, laughing, "sweetie you're flashing everyone."
I laughed. Peter pulled me up and we all walked into the huge kitchen, where I plopped onto the counter. Tucker was standing over the stove, making chocolate chip pancakes and avoiding the entire lacrosse team, who were all slapping at him with spatulas.  We all sat around the ginormous tab,e once they were done and I smiled, looking around at all my friends, who were laughing and talking.
"Guys, that was our last prom!" Kate squealed, and I wasn't sure how to feel.
We were growing up, and getting to do new things and leave home and go crazy and do things for ourselves. But we were also growing up, an will have to deal without out constant guidance or a while, and I'm not sure I wanted that.

A few hours later, the guys were all outside playing football, and we were cozied up inside, watching "to all the guys I've hated before", which was actually pretty good.


Chloe looked at me, and pulled me into a hug.
"Are you guys ok?" She said, and I knew she meant peter and i.
"Yeah," I said nodding, as the other girls turned to listen, "we talked last night."
"Is that aaaaaaaall that happened?" Kate asked, wiggling the heck out of her eyebrows.
"yEs, Kate!! Ew u perv!!" I threw a pillow at her as everyone laughed.
"No really," I said, looking at the girls in front of me, "he told me everything, and it was so nice to be able to be so open with someone, ya know?"
The girls all agreed.
"It's been so nice, the past night and stuff." Abby, John's girlfriend said. She had short brown hair which was in two little braids. " I mean, we've been able to just be actual adults, taking care of ourselves and not taking shit from anyone. I mean, look how good we are. Like the guys made pancakes!! And we went to bed at like a decent hour, ya know?!" Everyone agreed.
Sabs nodded, and standing up, turned to everyone.
"I've had an absolutely spectacular idea!" She said, being her normal dramatic Sabs self. "Ok, so obviously we all loved last night. But why does it have to end? I mean, think about it. We don't have school for the next 2 weeks, until finals. I mean, we can basically do whatever we want!"

Well, it only escalated from there.

Before I knew what had happened, all 15 of us were sitting together outside. I was nestled into Peters chest, and everyone was chattering, until Sabs stood up.
Ok, so we were thinking, what if we actually left for the next 2 weeks? We have senior break and we all survived taking care of ourselves last night! I mean, we're practically adults. We can handle it, right?" Everyone cheered.
"Look," John said, standing up, that's great but how are we gonna do that? No WAY my parents are gonna let me go," he finished and a lot of people nodded in agreement. Thank god. I mean, I wanted to get away more than all of them combined, probably, but I didn't like the way this was going.
"Ok, but why do our parents need to know, right? Is everyone here 18?" Kate looked around, and by the time everyone had said yes, she had sprung up. "We're all literally legal adults-we can do whatever we want people!" Oh no. Cheering. This wasn't gonna go well.
"Ok, hold on," Tucker Said, standing beside his twin, "what would we even do, or where would we go?" Sabs turned her computer to face everyone. A giant California rental house.

Ho  ly    sh  it.

Everyone started cheering and planning, and Peter must have sensed my uneasiness, because he pulled me from his chest and turned me so I could face him.
"Babe, are you sure you're ok with this?" He asked, looking into my eyes, scanning for doubt. I opened my mouth to tell him I actually wasn't at all ok with this, but then stopped. I thought about the past few months. There had been times when I didn't have my girls, or the guys, and a time when i didnt have Peter. I thought about all the stress of choosing colleges that I had been under, and I realized that I wanted more then anything to do this. As I was pulled out of my thoughts, I realized I was now the last to agree, and everyone was looking at me, waiting. I can't believe what came out of my mouth.

"Oh hell yeah, let's do this."


1. First, I've missed y'all so much??!! Thank you tons for the love and support!!!
2. So this chapter took me forever to do becAuse of a mix of thing, the biggest one being that I was sick. But that's all cool I'm not sick anymore!! But also, i had the worst case of writers blockm and I didn't wanna give y'all a crappy space filling chapter just to post something.
3. Here we go, on to my loooove life (haha non existing)
So basically that "crush" turned out to be a f***kboy and a player and is now dating and hooking up with my best friends and they think I don't know, so u know there's that. He has this pair of schoes wherebhe writes all his girls names on, and hes  only really pretending to be sweet for girls so ya know, #crushfails. Theres a shit ton more to that story. Oh, also, I think i like this guy that actually kinda my best friend and ive known him since we were like 4 and mAybe he likes me back but I doubt it. My friend is now dating my other friends twin brother, and its absolutely adorable.
4. Oh yeah, monos going around my school too, we love that. My grade is going on this trip next friday where we're gonna be in a bus together for literally 6 hours and dont get back until one in the morning, and y'all can bet ur banana chips theres gonna so much drama that happens.
Anyways, next chapters going up soon, idk, get excited. This week has flown by sO fast wow. K I love you guys, enjoy, have an awesome weekend, and yeah. Also, comment!! I adore reading comments from yall, and they also help me make this story better.

Xoxo, graygray ❤

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