Road trippin (But on a plane)

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Hello, everyone, and welcome to me again writing a chapter at 2 in the morning. If there are some weird parts in here, it's purely because I'm running on coffee and will edit later. Also, I changed the cover!! what do you guys think??

 P.S. this chapter is 2000 words, and I'm decently proud of myself.

It was 8 hours since everyone decided that we should all go to California. Currently, we were taking advantage of the fact that my dad will be at work until 9 and Kitty is at her friend's house. 9 girls were in my room, helping me pack. My house was the last stop, and everyone else was all packed up. I was still rushing around, throwing things into my suitcase, while the girls were either helping me or booking things. 

"How do you guys feel about a midnight flight?" Chloe asked tentatively. Sabs scoffed. 

"Listen sweetie, I can barely get up at 8, if you think im going anywhere after 10 you are SO wrong," she said, sliding onto my bed next to her to check the other flight times.

"Look, its gonna be like 15 teenagers on a plane, it's only fun if it's too late for us to be alive, ya know?" Kate said, throwing a pair of jeans at me, "LJ, what's wrong?" She walked across the room and sat next to me, in front of my suitcase, cross-legged. 

"Nothing," I said, hesitiating. Kate gave me the look. "Ok, it's just...I've never lied to my dad about this, especially going across the country," I admitted. 

Chloe came and plopped down on the other side of me. "Look, you don't have to go if you don't want, it's just that this is it, LJ!! After this, we have college to stress about and parents and grades...this is like our last chance to be teenagers until we have to be responsible adults." 

"Ok, but we all know I'll NEVER be a responsible adult," Sabs piped up from across the room, and we all burst into laughter. I sighed. These girls were my best friends, and I felt like I could be safe with them. 

"Ok...ok, yeah. Hell yeah. Let's do it!" I said, laughing even louder. 

It was 10 oclock, and we were finally going to the airport. I was in the passengers seat, Kate was driving, and Chloe was in the back seat, but was basically in the front, and was in charge of the aux. I was in charge of maps. 

"Turn left here," I said, and kate, as calmly as one could do this, flipped the wheel around and we went speeding around the corner, all 8 of us losing our minds. How did all 8 of us find a seat in the car, you may ask? Well, we didn't. Sabs and Emma were sharing a seat, and the others were kind of just piled in around them. 

'Sweet Caroline' came on, and everyone rolled down the windows so the rest of Virginia could witness our terrible singing.  It was weird, because I started to get that serene feeling again. It was 7 o'clock, that perfect purple/pink hour, the clouds in the sky were fluffy, and my girls and I were packed into a jeep yelling at the top of our lungs, on our way to California. I felt my worry from earlier this morning melt away as Kate grabbed my hand from beside me. She gave me a mischievous smile, and threw our intertwined hands up through the open sun roof, me laughing uncontrollably. 

By the time we finally found our way to west terminal parking, our voices were practically already hoarse. Kate swung her car into a spot that was definitely too tight, but as she said, "It's fine, we're gonna be gone for a long time, anyways!" 
As we stepped out, I realized how stereotypical we all looked. I was in leggings and a sweatshirt, with nikes that gave me a little height, which Kitty insisted I needed because "You at least need to look like you've got a social life, Lara Jean!"

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