T.L.P.F. Chapter 4

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Marymagglyn tried to persuade me to come down for supper, but again I declined. My foot was tender that I doubted I'd be able to take even one step down the spiraling staircase to the grand hall. The female gargoyle offered to bring something up for me, but I shook my head, merely exhausted from the day's events. Her hands were gentle even with the sharp claws that could probably sear my flesh as she wrapped my injured ankle and told me to get some rest.

I would not argue her about needing the rest, even as I reclined back against the soft pillows and the satin sheets, I couldn't help but to wonder how my life had taken a sudden turning point. Losing family and friends, to meeting a witch, to being taken in by a lord of his castle. If I ever claimed before that my life had been boring, I deeply regretted muttering it now.


I awoke to darkness, my skin trickling with sweat that was causing the blankets to stick to my feverish body. I pushed back the heavy covers and sat up, rubbing a hand over my eyes, willing my heart to calm down and cease racing. The nightmares I experienced were nothing compared to what I had to face. The flicker of yellow eyes and gnashing teeth. Flames and smoke, and the sound of a sinister laughter echoing all around me in the dark.

I shudder and pull one blanket over myself and tuck it under my chin. My stomach gives a small protest, having had nothing since the previous morning before I'd left the witch's hut in search for the monster who'd taken her precious gift. Goosebumps cover my arms as I rub them to keep warm, desperate for a fire in the hearth across from the bed, but I don't wish to see the flames and remember.

Swallowing hard, I lean back against the goose-down pillows and try to take a few steady breaths, and shut my eyes.

Fire. Smoke. Yellow eyes. Gnashing teeth. Dark laughter. 

I gasp and sit upright, sleep eluding me as I push off the blanket and move to the edge of the bed, needing to get out of this stuffy room. My feet touch the red wine carpet and I wince as I lean forward to put some pressure against my injured ankle. Gritting my teeth, I hoist myself up, and almost cry out at the sharp pain that radiates up my calf and causes my eyes to sting with unshed tears.

Clenching my jaw, I release my hold on the covers and scoot myself slowly to the end of the bed and pull the blue silk robe around the white coverlet that I have on, before using the pole connecting to the bed to lean against it for support. My ankle won't heal if I don't learn to walk on it, and it won't get any better if I can't move through the pain.

I have to find the rose. But I cannot find it when my ankle causes me pain!

Growling under my breath, I straighten away from the pole, and practically drag my right foot behind me as I move towards the door. I pant from the agonizing walk I'd just taken before I push against the heavy doors and they creak open. I poke my head out and glance both ways down the darkened hallway.

To my right is a dead end, but to the left is where the lord of the estate and his gargoyles had come from. My toes curl at the cold as my feet feel the cold stone beneath them and I let out a small curse that would make my mother unhappy and my chest aches with the knowledge that I'll never see her again. Not unless I can get the rose to the witch, then I'll never see my family again.

Moving forward, I drag my injured self down the hallway and stop when I near the top of the stairs that seems to go on forever. The stone gargoyles that are perched on each pedestal that looks like they're supposed to be statues all seem to hold their breaths when I reach out to grasp the railing.

I nearly jump out of my skin and tumble down the stairs when I see a shape move out of the corner of my eye. I clutch the railing and my knuckles turn white, my lips parting on a scream when the sound of stone grates my ears.

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