TLPF. Chapters 7 & 8

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"Lady Bella, will you please allow me to come in?" The female gargoyle shouts from the other side of the door.

Unable to sleep, unable to eat, I've become a lunatic in the room. Barricading the door with a dresser had taken all my strength and now I've become limp sitting on the bed like an overgrown pine tree, desperate for sunlight, warmth and food. For the past two days, I've allowed no one to enter, even if my stomach is gnawing at my insides to eat. I refuse to allow the door to open in case the beast decides to torment me.

"Lady Bella?" Marymagglyn knocks on the door softly. "Please m'lady, you must eat something."

I wipe a shaky hand across my face, unable to sit still, unable to stop my body from trembling from the cold. Even the blankets have little warmth to offer and I still refuse to light the hearth for fear of the flames. "I am well, please leave me be." I croak out. I hear the female gargoyle sigh loudly, before the clicking of her claws against the stone floor goes away.


"This is ridiculous!" He snaps, though the female gargoyle just allows the beast to stave off his temper. "She is going to die if she doesn't get food!" He growls loudly.

"You frightened her milord. She wouldn't be acting this way if you hadn't of told her to get out." Marymagglyn points out and the beast growls bitterly.

"I had no choice. She almost touched the rose. If anything happened to it..." He trails off, clenching his teeth, and looks away from the gargoyle that resembles so much a mother that it causes his chest to ache.

"I know, milord. Perhaps talk to the girl, she's afraid. Get to know her better, and for all that is good and holy, control your temper!" She snaps and the Lord of the estate nods, before taking a deep breath and going up to the girl's room.


He hesitates before knocking on the door. "Bella?" When she doesn't answer, he knocks a little louder and says her name again. When she doesn't answer again, he begins to worry and after several more attempts, he pounds his fists against the wood doors until they give way and the dresser topples forward.

The beast saunters into the room and growls loudly, spying the girl curled up on the bed, pale as the snow on the ground. He strolls forward and picks her up, turns, and leaps out of the bed chamber, hurrying down the stairs to the servant's quarters.

When he arrives, he places himself in a chair, still carrying Bella bridal style and is given some broth to help Bella regain her strength. Her body feels cold against his warm fur and he gently spoons the broth into her mouth, with his clawed hands. She is unconsciously unaware that he is holding her and feeding her.

Eventually, after feeding the girl, he takes her to his room, no longer concerned about why she'd dared to walk into the west wing. He lays her on the torn bed and crouches near the edge, keeping a watchful eye on her. He doesn't even bother to notice that the red rose that he was so protective of, had lost another petal. 



Three days have come and gone, the lord of the estate always brings me my food, and spoon feeds me as if I'm a child. Although I am too weak to lift up my arms and too weary to do much of anything else other than to barely sit up, I do not mind that he's tending to my needs, especially after the way he spooked me like a frightened doe.

"Do you need anything else?" His voice is soft, gentle even, as he holds the small pottery bowl that had been filled with some broth and vegetables.

I go to shake my head but then hesitate. "Um," my cheeks flush red with embarrassment. "I do have a small request."

"Name it and it is yours." He answers quickly, blue eyes blinking rapidly. His bedchamber has been lit with candles and now it doesn't seem quite as dark as it had been before. The floors have been swept clean of debris and the doors to the balcony have been shut. I stare at him, before biting my lower lip, thinking about what could possibly take the longest to get him out of the room long enough for me to take the rose.

"A book." I blurt out.

He raises a bushy eyebrow, tilting his head. "You read?" He looks at me in surprise when I nod. "Anything in particular?"

"I will read anything." I mumble shyly. It's true that I love to read, my adventures never ceased to amaze me with where the books took me to far away lands. It was my only safe haven, until the village burned down and I became a prisoner here in this estate without actually being concerned a prisoner.

He nods before turning towards the door. "Oh, before I forget. I have prepared for us to ride later on this afternoon, if you feel up to it."

"A ride?" I perk up, loving the idea of being able to ride a horse. I glance at my foot and try not to frown. "Will my ankle be well enough?" 

"You won't get better lying in my bed." He says and my cheeks flush crismon with the knowledge. I'd been trying not to think too much about it.

"I apologize my lord. I will try to get well soon." I mumble meekly.

The beast chuckles as he moves closer to the door, but still allowing me to see his face. "I don't see why not. As prince of this fine castle it's my job to be sure that you heal properly."

I straighten up against the pillows, my eyes widening in surprise. "You're a prince?" When he gives me an odd look, my cheeks flush crimson again. "I mean...Uh..." I stop, ashamed of the fact that here I am lying in a prince's bed, and I hadn't even been made aware of it!

The beast nods, but doesn't bother to comment on my odd behavior. "Yes, I suppose I was afraid you would hold it against me, were I someone less below than my social status."

I bow my head, averting my gaze. "I meant no offense...You're highness."

He scoffs, "Don't bother with formalities. I despise being what I am."

"You do?" I lift up my head, my eyebrows pulling together into a frown. "Why?"

He hesitates, then shakes his head, ruffling his fur in the mix. "It does not matter. I cannot change the past." He turns to head out the door, before adding, "I'll retrieve your book." Then he closes the door behind him.

I lean against the pillows. Perhaps he feels guilty for taking the witch's rose? If a prince has so much to offer why did he take the rose from the witch and why is he a beast? 

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