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A/n: I'm cold... But it's fine, I'll just hug myself 🙂

#lonely #single4life #noheater #thin_blanket


JM: Okay. Now tell us what happened.

Renjun was now sitting on his bed, after Jeno was so kind enough to blow dry his hair.

Jaemin was sitting on the floor in between Jeno's legs, while Jeno was sitting on his bed. (A/n: #queen_of_terrible_descriptions)

JN: earlier you said.. weird lady.. why?

RJ: umm.. I just wanted to go for a walking..

Not really, Renjun went out the moment Jeno and Jaemin where cuddled up on Jeno's bed, he didn't want to make things awkward if he stuck around.

RJ: But I was absent minded.. so I hadn't realized I had bumped into this lady.

JM: was she a teacher in our campus?

RJ: No. I had walked too far without realizing it.. I was way passed the campus grounds.

JN: What did the lady look like..

RJ: She looked like in her late 20's. She looked like she works at an office... she looked supper tired. (A/n: my dark circles could never- )

JM: She sounds normal to me.. what was weird??

RJ: Well.. since she was holding a coffee. It spilled on the both of us.... she was mad, then she saw me... and... I don't know..

JM: Don't know.. what??

JN: Can you tell us what she said?

RJ: okay. *clears throat* At first she didn't even glance at me and she was yelling, "You fu***** idot!! I had just bought this suit you as*****!!!

JM & JN: ...

Jeno stood up and Jaemin grabbed him from his leg.

JM: wow. Calm down hulk. Let's listen to the whole thing... continue.

RJ: .. so she kept yelling at me "this skit wasn't cheap yo-"

JM: Why did you stop??

RJ: I didn't.. she did. She stopped once she looked up at me. I told her I would pay for her suit and coffee.

JM: What did she say?

RJ: She said, "Well.. your cute. So you can pay me with something else."

JM: She said WHAT!!

Jaemin stood up in lightning speed.

RJ: Yeah. I was going to ask her, "with what?", but someone grabbed me from behind.

JN: who grabbed you!?

RJ: It was Kun. He said he was looking for me. And he gave the lady some money.. and so we came back to the dorm.

(A/n: he also said, "touch my son and I'll make you disappear", but Renjun didn't hear that.)

JN: What would have happened it Kun wasn't there?

RJ: I would have paid the lady.

JM: With what?

Renjun looked at both of his roommates. They looked too serious for such a light matter.

RJ: Guys. I can take care of myself, don't forget I'm older then the two of you. I'm not a kid-

JM: of course your not a kid. But your as ignorant as one.

RJ: What is that supposed to mean!?

JN: Jaemin, now's not the time for thi-

JM: I li-.... I like you!!

Renjun froze, Jeno widened his eyes, and Jaemin... he was confident.

JM: I've liked you for the past five months. And..

Jaemin turned to look at Jeno.

JN: I-.... I've officially liked you for the past 2 and a half months. (A/n: What he means is.. he liked Renjun since way before, but is only counting from the moment he realized he liked him... do I make sense? No. Ok bye.)

RJ: ...

JM: It's probably too much for you to process right now.. so well leave and give you some space.

RJ: ... I know.

JM: huh? (A/n: Regular hUh?)

RJ: I already knew.

(A/n: this looks so well put.. like if I've planned this all out.. But nope. Idk what I'm doing o(╥﹏╥)o )

RJ: I know already.. that the two of you like me.

Jaemin's jaw dropped.

JN: How?? When?

(A/n: not important.. But it's so cold and it's raining.. looks depressing.. But I love this kind of weather 😌)

RJ: I-... I wasn't sleeping.

It took the two boys 10 seconds to process what Renjun said.

JN: You mean-

JM: You heard-

Renjun's face was so warm and red, as he nodded.

RJ: I- I didn't mean to overhear.. I just couldn't fall asleep.

JM: So.. do you feel.. disgusted?

RJ: What? No way! I-


a/n: *munching on a cookie*


A/n: I'm going to stop right here because.. I'm mean.

Anyways have a nice day, night, morning, afternoon, etc.

Thanks for 6K, here's some love.

One day I'll give you guys a good update 🙂

Till next time, bye 🖖


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