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A/n: So, this is really short.. and I should apologize, but I won't :P


Okay, sorry.


Everyone was supper busy since this morning.

Everyone was running around and Renjun was sure Taeyong was ready to malfunction any second now.

Renjun was left to sit this out, along with Jisung and Chenle. The three were told to just sit on the couch and watch the television. (a/n: When you have an essay, so you write "television" instead of "tv", so you sound sophisticated 😅)

The two youngsters were really into this one kdrama, while Renjun was biting on his thumb.

Renjun was nervous, he was going to do it tonight, he was going to confess.

He just hopes he doesn't let his nerves get the better of him.

JS: eww.

CL: What? I thought the way he caught her in his arms, was cute.

JS: Not that. Jaehyun's all over Doyoung.

CL: What did you expect, Their roommates.

JS: I don't think it was like that..

CL: I don't need details.

Renjun was honestly fixing to lose his thumb, if he doesn't stop with the biting.

CL: Why do you look so nervous. Your leg hasn't stopped shacking since you sat down.

RJ: It's just- I don't know if I can tell you since you have such a big mouth?

CL: I do not.

RJ: Okay, sorry. What I meant to say was, I can't tell you cuz you have a loud mouth.

JS: You're not wrong.

CL: I'm not kissing you.


RJ: You spineless little piece of-

JM: Renjun! Want to help me cut the fruit!

RJ: Yeah!

Renjun got up and ran over to the kitchen table, where Jaemin was.

JM: Jeno was helping, but Johnny and him left to buy some ice.

RJ: It's okay, what do I do?

Jaemin handed him some Kiwis and strawberries.

JM: Just cut these.

RJ: Okay.


RJ: How do I do it??

HC: Get a grip man.. you're manhandling me.

Renjun released his grip from Haechan's shoulders.

HC: Just do it.. what's so hard about, "JAEMIN, JENO, I'M ALL YOURS!"


HC: Oh really.. hmm.

RJ: oh my god.. it that what you're going to say. What? Mark's going to be so embarrassed.

HC: You mean blessed. Not everyone gets to say their dating a piece of art like me.

RJ: . . . I'm leaving.

Renjun got up, but Haechan was quick to grab his hand and sit him back down.

HC: okay, okay. I'll be serious now.

RJ: I don't even know why I chose you above everyone else, I shouldn't have told you.

HC: Well too late. Plus, you didn't chose me, I got you to spill.

RJ: By the way, I didn't give you permission to be all touchy.

Renjun pulled away his hand from his grip.

HC: Oh come on. We're friends.

RJ: I don't like it, it's weird.

HC: Come on. You say it like you've never held hands with Jaemin or Jeno.

RJ: That's completely different.

HC: Oh please. It's just hand holding?

RJ: Yeah, but your too clingy.

HC: I just want to be loved.

Renjun was looking directly into Haechan's eyes. And, man did they look so big, with a hint of sadness.. wait?


HC: Is it working?

RJ: Kind of..

Haechan tilted his head and pouted.

RJ: aahhh! OKAY.

HC: Haha.

RJ: But we can only ever hold hands, that's as far as the skinship can go.

Haechan quickly nodded his head [in yes] and grabbed Renjun's hand again.

HC: Alright, so.. want to practice?

RJ: Practice what?

HC: Confessing, what else?

RJ: Sure I guess.. But here??

HC: What? Everyone is bussy, I already baked the cake and you have nothing to do.

RJ: I said "here" not "now".

Haechan looked around.

HC: What's so wrong with doing it here?

RJ: We're laterally sitting on the floor of the pantry.

HC: So?

RJ: So, right behind this door-

HC: Don't worry, I locked it.

RJ: Don't they need to grab stuff from in here.. I don't know, like ALL THE THINGS THEY NEED TO COOK.

HC: If they need anything, they can just knock.

Renjun gave him a stern look.

HC: Okay. We can go to my room. Mark won't be coming in and Yuta's busy bothering WinWin.

RJ: Are you sure?

HC: 87% sure..

RJ: Well.. at least it's higher than your average grade.

HC: I'm offended.

RJ: What you should be, is ashamed.

HC: An 79% average is great if you ask me.

RJ: I didn't.

HC: What ever let's go.

Haechan dragged Renjun out by their already intertwined hands.

Kun: Where are you two going?

HC: Well be playing in my room, bye.

Haechan and Renjun both ran out of the kitchen.

TY: Well, at least they won't be locked up in the pantry anymore.

Jaemin on the other hand was puzzled by the two, since when have those two been so secretive.

TY: Jaemin. Can you please, cook the rice?

JM: uh, yeah.

Whatever the two had going on, he'll find out later.


A/n: Thank goodness I'm not pursuing a career in writing, cuz oof.
I've been reading lately, and omg do I suck. There are so many amazing fanfics out there, you guys should go read them.. ( °-°)

Okay, bye 🖖


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