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I've dealt with heartbreak before.

The time my mum died, it felt like the world turned upside down. I couldn't feel anything, I was just a hollow shell of a soulless human being.

It was also hard for dad. Of course, of all the stages of grieving he has been through, it's been hard for the both us. But things worked out eventually.

Everything started in high school. School has rules. But an Erso like me is a hard-headed person. I don't do rules. It was such a big deal as the daughter of a math teacher.

Dad is good friends with Director Krennic, so letting me out is an easy pass. An easy pass until the incident in which a lot of students got involved. That is the Jyn Incident.

I was having a bad day that time, a small problem that sent me into rage. A sophomore student -I was also a sophomore that time- accidentally pushed passed me and that sent me over the edge.

It took two juniors, three seniors and a teacher to separate me from the poor, unlucky bloke. Nursing a few scratches and a bloody lip, I was sent to Krennic's office.

And that's when I met him.

Cassian Andor is known for being good at everything. Good at making friends, good at class, and good at his own looks. He was also captain of the soccer team. He was also known for being the president of the Student Body.

Dad wants me to have another chance, Krennic says it's enough. And Cassian, well, Cassian said I need to join the team to make up all my chances. Well, it's better off than bloody detention.

The team is full of people you wouldn't expect, Cassian is also one of them. Bodhi Rook, a British-Pakistani freshman, Baze Malbus, the Chinese foreign exchange student, Kayden, Kay for short, and Chirrut Îmwe, he's our main support because he's blind. He and Baze have been together for a long while. There was a lot more, but these four just caught my eye.

My addition to the team –I was a centre-back- is apparently making the team improve. Well, it was better than spending my times staying home and do homework.

Junior year was okay, but senior year was the best. My marks were getting higher, I was improving a lot, but the troublemaker inside me still doesn't seem to disappear. The soccer team really changed me.

After the final game of the year, we won. Cassian kisses me.

I kissed back. It was the best decision I ever had.

We were renowned as the King and Queen of Coruscant High School. Dad approves, the team does too, Krennic thinks its teenage hormones, while I think its fate. It was the happiest time of my life.

College came (take that, Krennic) and surprisingly Cassian and my friends followed me all the way to college. The Rogue One squad. Everything was alright, I was taking engineering, Cas is taking piloting. It was all in order.

We planned on moving onto a new apartment near our house when the last year came round. After graduation, we'll move in, start our new jobs and do what normal couples do.

I just realized that one day, everything will go as planned.

I was wrong. Everything backtracked so hard.

Cassian was accepted to work in Glasgow, London after graduation and needs to leave everything behind, including me. His family was so happy, our friends too. I just freaked out.

We talked about it. Argued about it. I couldn't sleep. He couldn't sleep. Our friends noticed something was going on and tries to help with no avail. Each day were getting worse.

And then I snapped.

Next thing I knew, I was on the ground, crying my eyes out.

Cas left. He went to Glasgow leaving me with my family and friends trying to cheer me up.

It was like my mum's death again. I was a hollow shell of a soulless human being once more. I was on a state of depression for two years. Two years of pain, two years of heartbreak. It was hard to move on.

Dad was trying so hard. Bodhi almost gave up on his job. Chirrut and Baze have this silent treatment with each other. Kay wasn't talking to me. It was too much.

I decided to move with Bodhi, since he is a close as a brother to me. I got a job and went on living a life without Cassian Andor.

Everything in my life goes away.

Including the ones that I love the most. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2018 ⏰

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