With a Phoenix Whip in Hand, I Will Whip the Shameless You

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Xiang Rong stood up and bowed in the direction of the voice without raising her head: "Xiang Rong greets your Highness Prince Chun. Long live your Highness."

Xuan Tian Hua went forward and helped up her. He then spoke in his usual peaceful voice: "Get up, there is no need for ceremony in your own home." He saw that Xiang Rong was timid, so he did not engage in too much small talk, directly asking: "Did you come for the matter of your second sister going into the palace?"

"Un." Xiang Rong nodded, finally finding the courage and an excuse to raise her head, "Second sister said she was going into the palace to admit and apologize for her mistakes. The family is worried, and grandmother insisted on Xiang Rong coming to ask your Highness. Xiang Rong knows it is a little improper, but it was grandmother's order, so.... so I did not dare refuse."

"It's fine." Xuan Tian Hua motioned for her to sit then went to sit in the main seat, "It is not considered improper. Ming'er and I are brothers. You and A-Heng are also sisters. Coming here to inquire is something that should be done." Xuan Tian Hua very rarely referred to himself as this prince before others, unless he wanted to remind them of his standing. Most of the time, he would speak as though speaking about daily life, and he could very quickly calm the nerves of whoever he was speaking with.

Xiang Rong was also calmed down by his casual tone. No longer feeling nervous, her worry for Feng Yu Heng began to increase." Your Highness, second sister will be fine, right? Will his Majesty be angry? Will he punish her? Your Highness, this matter can not be blamed on second sister. His Highness' leg injury was too severe, and it had been so long. Even if it could not be healed, that is within reason! Your Highness, would you be able to ask forgiveness for second sister? Ask his Majesty.... to not punish her! Or perhaps just fine her a bit of money?" The more she said, the harder it became for her to fathom what would happen if the dignified Emperor became furious. How could it simply be a monetary fine.

Xuan Tian Hua laughed but did not say whether or not he would help. Instead, he only told her: "You should trust your second sister."

"Ah?" Xiang Rong was slightly startled, "Trust what? Second sister personally said that his Highness' legs could not be treated!"

"Whether or not she could treat them is one matter. Whether or not she will be punished is another. Often times, what you see and hear are not the truth. There are also times when something happens which should never have appeared."

Xiang Rong was completely confused. She found that she was completely incapable of understanding what Xuan Tian Hua was saying. Normally, she only admired her second sister when watching her chat and laugh with them. Now, however, she knew that being able to communicate like that did not only require courage, it also required... thought. She was definitely too stupid, as she could not even understand what was being said. With this sort of response, what should she report to the matriarch?

Seeing her struggling appearance, Xuan Yian Hua could not help but shake his head, "You are still too young. It is normal for you to not understand. Blame me for saying it like that. Either way, you just need to remember. No matter what happens, it will be fine to just believe in your second sister."

"But his Majesty..."

"Father Emperor might be a little unhappy, but he will not give her too much trouble."

"Hah." Xiang Rong lightly sighed then stood up. Facing Xuan Tian Hua, she saluted and said: "Thank you your Highness for resolving any doubts. Although Xiang Rong does not understand too well, but when I return to the manor in a few hours time, I will remember what was said and pass along these words to grandmother."

Xuan Tian Hua was puzzled, "In a few hours? Where are you wanting to go?"

"Xiang Rong wants to go wait for second sister at the entrance to the palace."

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