If You Are Heartless, Do Not Blame Me for Being Injust

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Chen Yu feared that Feng Yu Heng would say something, but she refused to do as she hoped. Not only did she say something, she spoke directly to the point.

She saw Feng Yu Heng stand up then say to Feng Jin Yuan: "Father, this matter is strange. Eldest sister and fourth sister are both sticking to their stories, and just now father's servant also went to take a look and said that the body had been soaked in water. Father, take a look. The corpse is directly next to a well, but that well has been filled with rocks for some unknown reason. How about we remove them to take a look!"

Feng Jin Yuan nodded, "That's a good idea." He then turned around and said to Han shi: "You are pregnant and truly should not be looking at this sort of thing. Allow the servants to bring you back."

Han shi did not want to leave because this was related to Fen Dai after all. She truly wanted to know what sort of result could be had; however, Feng Jin Yuan had spoken, and she did not really enjoy seeing these sights. Unhappy, she could only advise Fen Dai on some small matters then leave with some servants.

Feng Jin Yuan then looked at Zi Rui and wanted to say that he was too young, so he should go back, but Zi Rui spoke up before he did: "There is no need for father to worry about Zi Rui. Zi Rui has already started going to school. Headteacher has already said that I am a big boy now."

Feng Jin Yuan nodded and came to like this son more and more, "Since that's the case, properly stick with your elder sister and don't run around wildly." After speaking, he waved his hand once more and ordered a servant: "Go call He Zhong over and have him bring some more people."

The servant immediately complied and left. Not long later, housekeeper He Zhong hastily returned with a group of male servants.

The giant rock that had been blocking the well was very quickly removed, and Feng Yu Heng stepped forward in large strides towards the well. The other females in the family also wanted to go look, but they were afraid of the corpse. After some internal conflict, they were unable to endure and also took a few steps forward.

Even Feng Chen Yu got up with the help of Yi Lin and stumbled over to look.

Feng Yu Heng pulled a branch from a tree and began fishing around inside the well. Not too long later, she caught something.

She raised that thing up then threw it to the ground. Everyone gathered around to look and found that it was a set of clothes.

Fen Dai stared at the clothes for a long time then suddenly said: "These clothes belonged to Pei'er. This was what she wore the day she disappeared." She said this while looking towards Pei'er, "Everyone look, she is wearing innerwear, and her outer clothes clearly fell off while she was floating in the water."

Everyone looked at the corpse. But of course, even the remaining innerwear had begun to unbutton. If she had continued to stay in the water, that layer would have fallen off too.

Feng Yu Heng continued to fish around inside the well for a little longer. Seeing that she was unable to fish up anything else, she tossed the branch to the side then kneeled next to the corpse and began to inspect it carefully.

Fen Dai was still saying: "She is kneeling next to the well, and her outerwear was soaking inside the well. Isn't it clear that Pei'er died in the well?"

Yi Lin was unreconciled and argued: "But the well was clearly covered. Her clothes were inside the well, but her corpse is on the outside. How does this make sense?"

"How does it not make sense?" Fen Dai's eyes became fierce, "It very well could be that someone with a conscience or perhaps one of your servants could not get used to seeing this type of thing and secretly pulled her out. My poor Pei'er has been with me for so many years, yet I was unable to find her a good husband before she was killed by you like this!" Fen Dai said this then began crying. While crying, she said: "Grandmother, do you believe what Fen Dai said this time? Feng Chen Yu is a slut who puts on a kind face but has a vile heart! This time it was Pei'er, but who knows who it will be next time."

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