There they stood up high, side by side. Two great men, two best friends in the competition for power. The rat race we live in has turned our lives into black and white, killing any fragment of colour and actual life. Here in this world men have sticks tied to their backs with money dangling in front of their dim-witted faces. These men chase after money like bees after honey. Unbeknownst to these idiotic men, that are so blinded by power and wealth, they cannot see the graves which lay before them. Sadly they will continue until they leap right into their own graves. The ground above them will fall down, smothering them, suffocating them with real power. Burying them alive.
If you should dare to share your opinion or tell the truth to the rest of the world your ugly truth and honest opinion will be changed to suit the "needs of the people". In reality, the media houses seek to make earnings and ratings to benefit. The truth becomes irrelevant. It is as if your hand has been placed into a guillotine, which patiently waits to anchor down onto your honest words. Truth and purity are nothing but an illusion, a distant memory never to be seen again. At least not in this lifetime.
Our youth hide behind technological devices and with this, they lie to each other. They pretend to be what they most certainly are not. Their longing for acceptance is so great that they would kill the person they are just to give birth to a monster. "I love you", an overused cliché often said just because it is deemed politically correct. They are now empty words with no meaning. It is disgusting how we have turned something so pure and beautiful into something so ugly. We have killed love. We have taken a pure entity and turned it into lust and greed.
Greed. This leads us back to the two best friends. Similar to Life's obvious course, these men face a challenge and only one will be victorious. Both men stand on wooden stools, both with a noose around their necks. Plot twist, one of the men has a knife. Instead of cutting himself down he proceeds to cut the rope of his best friend. While cutting the rope, his best friend slowly begins to tip the stool on which the man with the knife stands. Ironically, the man with the knife was the one who was stabbed in the back and it was all because he chose to help another rather than to help himself. Greed is death itself. It ruins everything good in life.
No matter how hard you try to be a good person, you still end up being the one who lies dead on the ground while the ones you once called friends walk right over your lifeless body. This is the fault in society.
Sombre Thoughts
Короткий рассказWelcome to the melancholy world that is my brain. The following is an anthology of dark and somewhat lugubrious works that started my passion for writing.