Chapter 2

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(Misty's POV)

"OH MY GOSH," says J when we get home. "Did that really just happen?" We both squeal in excitement. While we're taking it all in, I see Em just sitting on the bed frowning playing with her thumbs. "Are you okay Em?" "Oh yeah, I'm so excited for you guys, you must be ecstatic!" She says with a smile I can tell is fake. "Yes OMG, but Em, what about you? Surely there's someone you like who we can ask to tag along!" J says loudly. "Thanks J, but I don't like anyone you know that, if I did I would never hold back on telling you guys," she winks. We laugh but I can tell something is up with her. "Okay let's watch a movie in Misty's bed with popcorn and lollies!" J exclaims. "Yay!" I say in return. After a 10 minute discussion of what movie to watch, we decide on Mean Girls as we haven't watched it in ages.

When the movie finishes, we've demolished all the sweets and go and brush our teeth before going to bed. After 10 minutes I recieve a text saying 'meet us on the far left side of Sunny Beach, can't wait x' I smile widely. "Dylan isn't it? Wait don't answer that, I can tell by the smile," J laughs. I text a short message back, turn my phone off and try to go to sleep. After 20 minutes I'm still wide and so is Em while J is fast asleep. I decide to make small talk with Em, trying to hold back saying anything about her being down earlier. After 5 minutes, I can't contain it anymore, "Em tell why you were sad, I could tell something was wrong ever since you got back here." I say as nice and calm as I can. Em takes a big breath and goes to explain. "It- It's Bobby," she breathes, I can tell she's about to cry. "Um okay, what about him?" "I think he l-likes me," she says the words in between sobs. "Oh, are you sure?" Em nods. "When Dylan was talking to you, he kept looking and winked at me and when we walked away he'd given me a note.... With his number on it," Em whimpered. "It's okay we can figure something out. Do you have any feeling for him?" Em shakes her head from left to right repetitively indicating she doesn't. "What are we gonna do about J," I ask, whispering when I remembered she's next to Em. "I don't know," answers a red faced Em. "Okay, we better get some rest, goodnight Em," I say. "Night Misty, and thanks," I nod in her direction and smile before closing my eyes and trying to fall asleep.


When I wake up, I see J discussing with Em which bikini to wear. Last night I couldn't sleep so I started thinking about today, I decided I'd wear my red frilly bikini. I sit up, "Morning," I yawn, and then slump back in bed. "Should I wear the blue laced bikini or the black one with nice patterns" J says quickly, I can tell she's stressed. "I don't know, maybe the one that brings out your features or something, I'm not the fashion expert. That's you," I reply. "That's not helpful," J says huffing, when I realise she didn't even bring her togs with her, "J?" "Ahm," she mumbles. "How did you get your togs?" "Yeah, I was wondering that," Em says tagging along. "Easy, I just ran home." "You're crazy," Em and I laugh at her. "Well anyway, I'm just gonna wear the ones you don't," Em says. In the end, J decides on the blue-laced ones leaving Em with the black with patterns. We pack all our extra clothes, sunblock and food and then get dressed.


When we arrive at the beach, the spot Dylan told us to meet them at, no one is there. We've been waiting for 5 minutes, and we're just pacing around on the hot, soft sand. "Where are they?" J asks. "I don't know, maybe it was a joke?" I reply, and as soon as the words escape my mouth, I feel a sick feeling in my gut. 'What if it IS a trick just to make fun of us' I think and feel stupid.

"You okay Misty," I hear a familiar voice ask, Dylan. Now I feel bad seriously? "Yeah! I'm fine," I say almost immediately happier. "How was your night?" "It was alright, but couldn't sleep, You?" I answer brightly. "It was alright, couldn't sleep either. Wasn't very interesting." I laugh at his statement, "Damn," I say playfully. "Do you want to go into the water?" He asks. "Sure, I'll race ya'" "Oka-" But before he can finish, I'm already off. "Hey! Wait up!" he yells and then starts running.

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