Chapter 4

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I look at mum astonished, "Really," I say with full on worry. "We need to get to the Talif as soon as possible, I'm going to call Jemima," mum says rushing to the phone. "You're probably just overreacting!" I call after her. "Probably!" She calls back making me smile. I start to wonder who this Jemima person is. She's most likely apart of the Talif, right? Mum is walking back now, "Honey, we are leaving for the Bahamas in 3 days, this is important and you cannot tell anyone about you powers, not even J and Emma, is that clear?" Mum says sternly. Crap. I don't know what to say to her, I blush and look down. "Misty, promise me you won't tell them," she says and put her hand underneath my chin forcing me to look into her eyes. "Why is it so important?" I asked her. "There are people who are going to try and find you. Bad people," she says staring deep into my eyes. "They haven't discovered you yet, but they will. They sense power like a dog senses fear. In a way, it's the same thing," She's telling me making me scared. "Won't we need to get out of hear quicker?" I suggest, but she just shakes her head. "We should probably have at least two weeks to get out of here so 3 days is fine," mum says lifting a little weight off of my shoulders. "There is a lot more to tell you and I'm sure you have millions of questions, but it'll be easier in the morning," Mum says, in a little disappointed as I do have lots and lots of questions but I just nod my head in agreement.

I keep thinking about her trying to make me promise not to tell anyone, what if it's really important? I have to tell her, "Mum," I say and she turns to face me. "Um you know how you said not to tell anyone?" I talk fast and nervously. "Yes?" mum says turning her head slightly to the left side obviously interested. "Well, J, Emma, Dylan and Bobby were there and kind of already know," I say looking down, when I look back up mum has her thinking face on. Its funny actually, she turns her eyebrows inwards, she looks up with her eyes and scrunches her nose and mouth. "The thing is, it's to hard to trust anyone. But they all seem like reasonable kids and are quite innocent. But they can't tell anyone, not a soul. And it's not just to protect you, it's basically protecting the world. I'll have to explain a lot more in the morning but for now, I have a feeling that we might just have to bring your friends along. For safety, so they don't blab. In fact it's probably best if they came anyways so they can explain what they know to Jemima," Mum says mostly to herself but I take it all in. "Who's Jemima?" I ask. "She is the leader if the Talif, she's almost 60 and the oldest, hard to believe I know. But she controls most of the decisions made. If she likes you, your good. If she doesn't, well good luck," mum chuckles but I don't laugh with her. What if she doesn't like me? As if she can read my thoughts mum says, "She'll like you, don't worry," I nod again, but I don't mean it. I have a funny feeling she won't like me.


In the morning, I'm totally eager to hear what mum has to say about all this. It's all really difficult to believe. But as I wake up and pry my eyes open, reality hits me like a brick. I quickly rush out to see if mum is up, and to my surprise, she is. "Hey mum," I greet her, she jumps. I startled her so I chuckle to myself. "Oh hey sweetie, how was your sleep?" she says making small talk. I reply back "Great you?" "It was good," mum replies. This conversation isn't going to last. We sit there in silence fir a minute or two until mum breaks the silence. "I'm guessing your wondering about Legend?" mum says I go to ask her who Legend is but she continues. "Legend is the other Elemaker that can do what you can do," mum says looking into her coffee she was drinking. "Oh," I say trying to hide my excitement.

"Okay, it might take a while though. I'll start at the beginning before Legend was even born, so the history of Elemakers. Well, Legend was born, just not an Elemaker yet. Okay, so in 1876, the ten Elemakers found each other and decided to create a group. They called it Talif, as you know. They discovered there powers and abilities. One day, the eldest died and her great granddaughter gained the power. Everyone was shocked but then discovered it was generational. They wrote the 10 handbooks for each of the families, they named them from the last names. They were, Garcia, Tebmn, Schwartz, Storm, McAlly, Peters, Higgings, Maple, Gully and Lillian. We are descendants from the Lillian family. The Talif found out about the Unara and knew they had to stop them and there idea of taking over Earth. Which really means, destroying the whole place. Every now and again, the Unara would attempt to attack and kill all Talif members, they would always lose. But one day they killed a man called Sam Peters, and he had a son, Will Peters. Everyone knew Sam and Will only had each other, so they took Will under there wing. They knew he was going to be an Elemaker, he had already known about his dad but was too sad too try anything 'Elemaker' related. After a few days he attempted something and it was much bigger than what any of the other 9 could do. They knew he had immense power and could be of great help. They trained him until he was practically unstoppable. He went to fighting the Unara. This was all in the year he lost his father, got his power, turned 18 and trained immensely. One day during battle when he was 20 in 1893, he was captured by the Unara, no one knows how but they have powers, like mental, and they cast spells. So when they captured him, the Unara cast a spell on him. He is now under their control and can't do anything about it. They are pretty much mind controlling him. Oh, and they also made him immortal. Will is under constant pain, he will be until he is saved from the spell. But when he is, thats if he is ever out of the spell, he will die, because he was born in 1865. The only way to get him out of the spell, is a spell only the head of the Unara knows. This is why we can't kill him, he is blackmailing us because we know that if we kill him, we won't be able to save Will. Also, if he dies, then Will will become leader and will kill anything and everything he comes across. Anyway, in the less depressing category, the Unara didn't like Will's name, they thought it was too small, so they changed it...... to Legend." Mum took a big breath after all that.

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