Chapter 3

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I watch as J and Bobby are walking away giggling at each other, she's going to be over the moon when we get back. I look down thinking to myself and start imagining myself with the other 9 Elemaker's. We could have some serious fun, I imagine. I just have to find them, I have too, I'm thinking to myself, not realising I'm talking out loud(which I tend to do all the time). "Find who?" Em says inquisitively, "Oh, um the other nine Elemaker's," I answer and Em chuckles at me. "What?" I say defensively, "You know, finding the other 9 Elemaker's is going to be like finding a needle in a haystack. Wait no, let me rephrase that, a strand in hair in a haystack," she laughs. My face drops as the realisation hits me, there are billions of people in the world, and I'm trying to find 9 of those. Plus, I don't what age they are, where they live or what they look like. Hell, it could be my next door neighbour for gods sake. They're obviously not going to be showing there ability in public. I think Em see's me as I realise. "Sorry, that came across rude," She says sheepishly. "No, I think you've done more good than bad," I give her the best smile I can, which obviously isn't convincing as she frowns. I give her my I'm fine, it's okay look. She always feels bad even when things aren't her fault, it's hard to convince her otherwise. She gives in and nods as the three of us sit in silence waiting for Bobby and J to come back. After maybe five minutes of an awkward silence the two return. "Got it!" Bobby exclaims excitedly. We all jump and walk towards him, he takes a small step back and has a worried look on his face as if we're lions hunting for pray or something. "What's wrong?" I ask him. "You guys are kind of looking creepy," he laughs. "Oh," And there's a little silence until Dylan says "Where's the lighter?" "Oh, here," Bobby replies taking it out. "Ready?" he asks me, I reply with a small nod before he lights the lighter. I breathe in and out before closing my eyes and opening my hands while concentrating on the fire filling my hands. I look down to see a fireball hovering above my hand, I'm surprised to feel no heat at all. I look at the four who are staring at the fire in awe. I then shake my hands to get rid of i but it just flies from my hands into the grass and small flicks of fire burn a little brighter. I widen my eyes and quickly stomp on it flattening the burnt grass, luckily the fire went out. The only thing left is the fact that the fire is still in my hands. "Guys, any suggestions on how to get rid if it?" I ask but am disappointed in the response of all of them shaking their head. Damn. "Run down to the beach and stick it in the water!" Em smartly suggests. "Good idea, thanks," I start to run. This is so strange, so surreal, maybe I'm dreaming, no, it feels too real. A million thoughts rushing to my head as the wind whips my face. I realise I'm in public and don't want anyone to see me so I attempt to place the rights hands fireball into the left one, and surprisingly, it works. I hide my hand low so no-one can see. As I'm running, I feel the back of my bikini top come undone. Sht, why did it have to be at this moment when my hand is filled with fire and there is no way I can do it up with just one hand. As I'm trying to think of a solution, I realise I'm lucky I'm running, the force is keeping it up. After a few more seconds, I think back to the water, I clapped my hands and the fire blew out, I'm such an idiot! I immediately tie my bikini top up, puffing and jog back. When I reach everyone, they are all in hysterics, laughing at me. "You.... Were.... So....... Funny," Bobby says in between breaths. I just roll my eyes, "Thanks guys," and I try to be serious but end up laughing to. "I wanted to tell you but I couldnt, I had to see what you'd do," Dylan laughs. I turn my head slightly, "What do you mean?" I says, what is he talking about? "Clapping your hands to get rid of it," he answers and my eyes widen. "Seriously?! You knew!" I say and swat him on the arm, "That was so mean," I exclaim as they start to settle down. "Let's go now, I've done enough testing today," I say and everyone nods.


When I get home I say good bye to J and Em and walk inside to go have a shower and get the salt water and sand from my body. I'm about to go upstairs when I hear mum sobbing in the kitchen. She's supposed to be at work, oh. "Mum! What's wrong!" I run up to her and give her a hug. "I.. g-got some.. terrible news t-today," she cries in between sniffs. I look up at her red, puffy eyes, "Your grandmother died today," she starts to sob harder into my shoulder. She had a very tight relationship to her mum, just like I do with her. "It was a sudden heart attack, very unexpected," she sobs. "Oh," is all I can say. I feel a tsunami of tears coming up and let's them fall. And that's when I realise, grandma was an Elemaker. 'As one dies, another one rises' it was grandma, and since I was the youngest possible inheritor, I got the ability.

I spend the rest of the nights comforting mum, too bad dad isn't home, he's always at work, mining in Western Australia. Although, he doesn't really care about us, he just needs something to come home to. He is my stepdad not my real dad, the only thing is mum loves him too much to let him go. My real dad cares about us, but mum and dad had a massive fight 3 years ago. It was verbal not physical, dad would never touch mum that way, but the fight was so big, they got divorced immediately.

The thing about being an Elemaker is on my mind all night, I'm dying to say something to mum, it 10:00pm and I can't keep it in any longer. "Mum, I know this is a bad time, but I need to tell you something that happened to me today," I say nervously. Mums face turns serious, "Sweetie, are okay?" She says worriedly. "Yeah, I'm fine," I reply but mums face doesn't change. "What is it then?" I shuffle my hands uncomfortably and decide to just say it. "Today while I was in the water, well, I know it sounds impossible, but water started filli-" she cuts me off, "You're an Elemaker aren't you?" She says surprising me, what? "Mum, how did you know? Wait, was grandma was an Elemaker?"

"Yes, she was, she told me everything, how it passes generation to the youngest member and how one dies another will get it," By the end sentence, she's got tears pricking in her eyes. "I'm sorry mum, I knew it was the wrong time, I should've waited," I apologise, she just shakes her head. "It's okay, I want to talk about. But just give me a minute," She says I nod and she walks off leaving me sitting uncomfortably for her return.

After 20 minutes, mum returns showered and all cleaned up. She's trying to pull herself together, she'll be upset if she falls apart again. "Hey mum," I sweetly say, earning a heart warming smile from mum. "Hey Misty, sorry about before, I shouldn't ha-" I cut her off. "Its okay, I understand. I think I'd be more concerned if you pretended it didn't bother you," I says so she believes me. She smiles widely and hugs me. "Love you mum," I hug her back tightly. "Love you too," She returns the tight hug.

We sit down and decide to watch a chick flick in my bed, as I have a medium sized T.V in my room. When the movie finishes, we snuggle up in bed keeping each other warm. Maybe 5 minutes later, mum takes a big breath in and talks. "Your grandmother was in a group," she sighs. I'm confused at her statement, but I don't want to make her upset. So I just say "That's cool," I smile encouragingly as it starts to rain. Mum has a small giggle and looks at me. "Sorry, I didn't make that clear, the group is called Talif, it is the group of Elemaker's," She says calmly waiting for my reaction, which she knows isn't going to be small. "OH MY GOSH WHERE?" I almost scream with excitement. "That's the fun thing, it's in the Bahamas," she exclaims excitedly before continuing. "They all live there, and meet once a month to check in on what's going on around them. There meeting place is in a little shack at the edge of Paradise Island!" It sounds amazing and all I can do is stare at her in shock. Today has been hectic, I find out I have powers and then my grandmother dies and now there is a group of people just like me in The Bahamas. Because things like this happen all the time. "Their plan is too make sure everyone is safe and that The Unara are destroyed..... Even though they have a big army and we only have 9 people. They have big goals," she states, I just nod aimlessly. "Do you know who The Unara are?" She asks. I nod, "We went to the library today to look it up, I'll show you what it says," I say as I lean across to grab my phone. once it's in my hands I unlock it and go to photos where I had screenshot the picture Jaquie sent to me when she had taken a picture at the library. I show her the writing, once she has finished writing all she says is "I see," and then looks at me and just smiles, I smile confusedly back.

"Can you please make the rain heavier?" Mum asks me. "I like the sound of it," she finishes. "How do you do that?" I ask. "Oh sorry, I forgot, you're a newborn," She replies flatly. "Mum, I'm 16 in 3 months," I say weirdly. "I mean as in an Elemaker newborn." Mum points out. "It will take you a year or two before you can properly control your ability," She knows I'll be disappointed. "How do you do it though?" I ask. "How did I know you would ask that," Mum smirks. "You simply lay you hands out flat in front of you and concentrate," she tells me as I nod taking it all in. I do as she says and concentrate. About a minute later I give up, it didn't work, mum laughs at me and I shoot a look in her direction. "It's not that your not good enough you know, it's just your abilities take a while to develop," She says trying to make me feel better, which doesn't work. I'm annoyed at myself so I decide to try again, this time it is going to work. I place my hands out in front and concentrate as hard as I can. Maybe 10 seconds later the rain gets heavier, I think about is slowing and it happens, I then think about it heavier and repeat the pattern a few times. I smirk knowing I've done well and look at my starstruck mum. "Misty," she says worryingly making my smile turn on its head. "Only one other Elemaker has ever been able to do that.... This is not good."

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