Cute Matt Imagine For Tatyana

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Tatyana's P.O.V.


Today me and my best friend Matt were going to make a video for his Channel.

I had no idea what the video was going to be about, but I really didn't care, as long as I was doing it with Matthew.

(I know what your think you dirty peeps, yuck!!!)

I was sitting on my bed watching Pretty Little Liars, (sorry if you don't watch this show, if you don't, I recommend it!!!) then my phone vibrated.

Matthew was calling me.

~Phone Convo~

T: Heller?

M: Heyoooo!

T: Watcha doin Matchew?

M: Getting ready for the video.

T: Speaking of the video, what is it going to be about?

M: I can't tell you.

T: What? Why not?

M: If I tell you, you won't help me.

T: Fine. What time do you need me over?

M: A$AP!!!

T: *giggles* Okay, I'll be there soon.

M: okay, bye!

T: bye.

~End Of Convo~

I got up, and went to my closet, I grabbed a light blue crop top that says "Love has no limits <3" and a pair of white high waisted shorts and then light blue vans.

I grabbed a beanie and put it over my long, straight, brown hair.

I didn't want to where much make-up, foundation and mascara was enough for me.

I walked outside and headed to Matts house on foot, he only lived a couple minutes up the rode.

When I got there I didn't bother knocking on the door, I walked straight into the living room calling his name.

"Matt?" I called.

"In here." Matt said from his bedroom.

I walked into his room, his camera wasn't set up yet.

"Where is your cameras and lights?" I asked.

"Oh, um we aren't filming here." he said.

"Then where?" I asked trailing off.

"You'll have to wait." he said.

"Ugh." I whined.

After a few minutes Matthew told me we were about to start the video.

"Okay, what do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Go downstairs." he said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Just go." he said.

"Fine." I said.

He laughed his deep laugh. I smiled while walking downstairs.

Matt then walked down the stairs, he smiled at me and took my hand walking towards the front door.

I went with him, asking no questions.

We got into his car and he backed out of the driveway.

He turned the radio on and we both started to sing as loud as we could, competing for who could sing higher.

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