Free Not Free

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A week had passed and here I was eating Ice cream in my room up under my covers watching Insecure.

Its been a week and I only been out ONCE which were to buy some clothes and get groceries. I was so glad I ran away with my hoodie because I would've been caught if i didn't have it on trying to hide my face.

Tonight was a rainy night and we were on hurricane and tornado watch and the lights had been flickering on and off all day long.

I was just glad it didn't fully turn off on me yet.

Getting up off the bed, I remember making a mental note to go get soap to the nearest dollar general because I was tired of using that thin ass hotel soap.

In plus, I needed to take a hot shower before the lights came completely off.

Putting on some cargo pants, a tank top with my all pblack hoodie, I grabbed my room key and phone and made my way out the hotel making sure to walk in dark areas.

After a couple minutes of walking away from the hotel, I walked in the same dark alley I've walked for the past week just to get to the Main Street. After walking out the dark alley I made my way into the dollar general making sure not to look in anyone face and grab only what I needed.

Irish spring soap, toothpaste, razors , and a bottle of ibuprofen.

Grabbing those things, I suddenly was rushing to the cash register and with part of the hoodie blocking my view.  I bumped straight into a muscular man with hella tattoos on his body.

Oh my god I thought to myself.

I grabbed my things that fell out of my hand and onto the ground.

" I'm sorry"

He bent down taking a glance at my face. " No need to apologize." He said handing me back my things.

By this time It was no use to hide my face cause he'd had already seen It. My heartbeat started to tremble faster  and I had the sudden urge to piss on myself.

The man slowly walked out the door but not before glancing my way one more time.

Only one thing was running through my head. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!

" Next" the cashier said bringing me back to reality. I put everything  on the counter before I kept looking out the store window to see what the man was doing.

He had gotten back into his car but got on his phone. I knew this shit wasn't going to be good.

" that'll be $12.87" the lady said.

I quickly gave her a twenty dollar bill before grabbing my bag. " keep the change"

I rushed out the door but when I seen him looking at me I calmly walked like nothing was going on.

But  then suddenly it started back raining and the wind blew my hoodie back and exposed who I were.

I looked back and his eyes were dead on my face causing me to pick up my walking pace.

Then I heard him opening his door again. I took off running back into the alley.

By the time I got to the end of the alley a truck pulled  up with men with mask ready to pull me in. I dropped my bag turning back the other way and ran back the other way.

By the time I reached the other end, the same man from the store was right there sitting on top of his car with a gun in his hand.

I cried and It felt like my life was flashing right in front of my eyes.

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