5) Krithi

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Krithi's pov: (PAST)

"I want some briyani!" Grace whined like a kid. The clock struck 1 am and all I want is to curl in my bed back at my apartment. But we can't we are on the call tonight.

"Just 3 hours before we had a heavy dinner. Really you hungry again?" I asked.

"Not really I need some task to distract me from thinking about sleep" Grace said.

"If so, then I need some caffeine in my system too to keep me awake" I said and she smiled at me. I got up from the uncomfortable chair and picked up my wallet.

"Head's up. Incoming traumas CFD called with a plan 1" The head nurse shouted across the hallway.

"Later?" I asked Grace and started to wear the blue gloves throwing wallet away. Grace nodded as she did the same.

"Multi-victim car crash. Be prepared." The head nurse Maya said as soon I reached the entrance.

Dr. Gautham our chief surgeon in the ER rushed to us as the ambulances arrived.

"What do we got here?" Dr Gautham rushed to the patient incoming in the stretcher. The guy accompanying the patient made my breath pause a minute. It was Him. The prince of Sunshine hospitals.

"Female mid-30s. GCS 3. Struck the dashboard and starred the windshield" The paramedic said. What is he doing here? I mean he looked delicious even in an normal black shirt, black ripped jeans and a jacket over it.

"Dr.Aakrithi you are with me" The chief said and I really tried to drag my eyes from the fine specimen but it was hard to even remember her name when he looked that good. I can come later and ogle at him. I said to myself and rushed behind the patient.

"Bp?" Dr. Gautham questioned as we reached the ER5.

"90 over 50. Tachy 140. Stats 100%" I immediately got into my A game.

"Pressure dressing on her head but she's seeping through" The paramedic said

"Let's move her on my count. 1.2.3." Chief said and we transferred her to the bed.

"My kids? Where are my kids? Joseph and Kataya?" The patient panicked.

"Mam I need you not to panic" I said.

"Any detail on that?" Chief asked the nurse.

"They are both in the ER" The nurse replied.

"My kids... kids look on them..will you?" She grabbed my hand suddenly. "I will check on them" I said when the monitor starts beeping indicating the pressure is falling.

"She is in V-tach" The chief said.

"70 over 30. She is crashing. I can't get a pulse"I said.

"Start compressions. Give me the paddles now" The chief said to the nurse.

"We are losing her" A nurse said.

"Charge 200. Clear" The chief said and tried to restore the heart to its normal rhythm with the defibrillator.

"No pulse" I said . " A milligram of epi. Clear?" The chief said.

"Again no pulse." I continued on the chest comressions.

"Clear?" The chief asked.

"The pulse is back" I said and left a big breath out.

"Get a CBC, CMP .."

The chief started to instruct a list of scans to be done for the patient as I quickly exited the room.

I walked out and tried to calm myself. That was so close. God she has two kids.

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