Scene 2.3

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Tom is standing like an idiot (in his view), clutching the waistband of his briefs with both hands, watching Samina. He sees her darting figure in silhouette against the light from the clearing, just like the trees she's making a beeline through.

"Samina!" he cries.

She ducks her head down, but that's all. For a girl who claims she can't dance, she can move.

Tom is ... confused. What the hell happened out here? And why is she running? He backed off the moment he realized he'd made a mistake. A big mistake. She just wanted to have a little fun, while he ... But why did she turn around, then? Talk about sending a whopper of a mixed signal. You're lucky I didn't have any condoms on me, Samina. Shit, I'm lucky!

Yeah, yeah, he knows he should have pulled up his pants. He was about to, but Samina distracted him. (She's still distracting him.) First, it looked like she was going to cry. Thank God, she didn't. Then, well, he'd never seen a woman put herself together so quickly afterwards.

He feels bad for her. He really does. "Stop, Samina! Let me explain!"

She's just catapulted out of the woods onto the grass. She doesn't stop. Instead, ... she runs faster, weaving, tottering, her feet slipping sideways in her sandals.

"Slow down, Samina! You're gonna fall! I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!"

She listens this time. In fact, she stops. Tom's eyebrows lift; he blinks. Oh, it's 'cause a couple's just stepped out of The Bear Paw. She turns away from them, facing him. He sees that she's trying to do up her dress.

Awright! He can still catch her! He pushes his waistband out in front and scoops himself up into his briefs — he's still hard. Samina's still working on her buttons. Not taking his eyes off her, he feels around for the zipper tab on his jeans, cups himself in firmly with one hand and yanks the zipper up with the other.

"Ouch!" The damn zipper catches his skin. He sucks the wound which is surprisingly painful. Luckily it's only his hand.

Keeping his eyes on his zipper this time, he tries again. Nope. No matter how he puts himself, there's no way the zipper's going up, not without doing some serious damage. Besides, Samina's too far now: she's almost at the steps to The Bear Paw.

At least she's going back inside and not heading to the parking lot. He seriously needs to straighten things out with her. Wait, her jacket's still in there. Maybe she's just going in to grab it. Crap! He's gotta hurry!

He looks down and coolly cocks an eyebrow. Hurry? How? Shit! Why the hell did he have to wear this pair of jeans tonight? 'Cause he was looking for some action? No, not really. ... Awright, yeah, maybe.

* * * * * *    

TOM'S HANDS ARE ON his hips. He's tapping his right foot. That's after running his fingers through his hair and seriously considering pulling some of it out. He's spent the last five minutes taking deep breaths, closing his eyes and conjuring up serene nature scenery, and even — gawd! — thinking about work.

His broad shoulders rise, then plummet, in a loud exhale. He hooks open the front of his briefs with his thumb, then dips his other hand in and grabs his dick in a stranglehold.

Pointing it towards The Bear Paw, he gives it an angry, exasperated shake, the kind that makes you feel your neck and think whiplash. "Look, you blind fool," he hisses, "can't you see she's gone? It's not gonna happen, okay?" He gives it another jerk. "It's never gonna happen."

If there is a little, dejected droop of the head, it isn't enough to help Tom out. Why are you still hard? he asks himself. Samina didn't even do much! A honeyed voice purrs back, Yeah. But she didn't need to. Just doing things to her made you feel ... made you feel ... There's stirring, even a little nod of agreement down below. He immediately shuts down all thoughts of her in that way. It isn't helping.

* * * * * *    

WHEN HE FINALLY MANAGES to put himself together, he strolls slowly back to The Bear Paw. There's no need to hurry. If Samina leaves now, he'll be able to catch up with her. His head is bent, his eyes on the ground. The grass is patchy under his feet, but he doesn't notice. He's lost in wonder over his behaviour tonight. It's been years since he tried anything like that, met a woman and dragged her off into the bush, hoping for sex.

It isn't that Tom's a prude or anything. He's got nothing against hooking up with a woman after a first 'date.' But he likes to invite the woman to his place or go to hers if she's more comfortable with that. But then he can't remember the last time he was so powerfully attracted to a woman. With Samina, he didn't want to wait. He wanted her immediately.

Strange, 'cause he only went over to her table 'cause she looked so panicked every time they made eye contact. He was just planning to have a little fun, tease her. Instead, he had a lot of fun, just talking to her. It was like, 'Wow, where did you come from?' She was so ... stimulating. So refreshing. Cute, too. Big brown eyes. Mega-watt smile when he screwed up about 'rocks.' She was clearly nervous, and shy, but that only upped her cuteness factor. Oh, and that she thought she couldn't dance.

It suddenly strikes Tom like a slap to the head that he isn't just lucky that nothing happened, he's very lucky. If something had, he'd be even more interested in Samina than he is right now. But she'd be gone at the end of the summer. Then where would he be? It made perfect sense: he should feel better about how things had turned out.

So why didn't he?

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