The Zoo

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A few months ago there was a young boy at the age of 21 or so, his name was Sean. Sean was fascinated by the world around him, but his fascination with the natural world caused him to be teased. Not a day went by that Sean had a peaceful day without harassment. Sean worked at a zoo as an animal feeder, which seems like the perfect job for him, but his coworkers always fed the smaller and less dangerous animals forcing Sean to feed the dangerous animals. Every day was exhilarating for Sean... every day was exhilarating... every day... every...

Sean kept all of his emotion to himself and hid it away. Sean tried not to feel, but his passion could not be suppressed. Eventually, Sean's coworkers locked him in one of the enclosures for an entire day, but only when Sean found out which enclosure he was in did he get angered. His coworkers yelled out from the other side of the enclosure, "Hey, Daniel, survive this lion's den."

Sean hurried over to the door in the enclosure in a struggle to escape, but his coworkers had locked the door. Then the lions came out of the artificial cave area and approached Sean, slowly, hungry. One of the lions lunged at Sean and ripped off Sean's left leg, then the other lions joined in, slowly devouring Sean. Nothing but a shredded uniform and a few severed body parts were found.

Out of the blood-ridden corner, the head lioness ambled towards the glass on the enclosure, looking straight into the eyes of the three horrified coworkers of the newly deceased Sean. A lioness shoved herself into the glass that separated her from her desired meal. Once, twice, three times, four, then the glass broke and the lioness sunk her fangs into one of the coworkers' necks, Cory, while another lioness charged Kaitlyn and ripped out her esophagus and crushing it in her jaw, now only one coworker was alive, Adam.

Adam ran as fast as he could, but his speed was no match for that of a hungry lioness. The lioness caught up to him and tore at his right leg, which ripped his hamstring causing him to fall down, then the lioness snapped at each of his limbs, one by one. The first was his right leg, which the lioness bit and shook until the leg finally came loose, and Adam released a hideous shriek of pain and agony. The second was his left leg, which the lioness took her time on, chewing it over and over again until blood no longer oozed out of Adam's leg. The third was his right arm, which the lioness trapped by putting one paw on his right shoulder and the other on his hand, then she crushed his radius and ulna, then his humerus, then she ripped his arm right out of socket. The final limb was his left arm, which the lioness chewed up just a little, but was interrupted with a head-shot, which sprayed her brains all over Adam, who had endured all of her torment. The owner then proceeded to shoot a hawk, which was about to strike a squirrel.

Adam looked and saw the owner of the zoo lamenting the brutality of the lionesses to his employees. The owner immediately dropped the shotgun he used to splatter the lioness and fell to his knees. Immediately, the owner was approached by a kind doctor who said a simply phrase, "Do you wish to die?" The owner backed up quickly, but was unable to back up more due to the broken glass of the enclosure. The doctor inched forward bit by bit, then he aimed his skillful hand and dug a short scalpel into the owner's left shoulder socket. Just as the doctor was going for the owner's head with another scalpel, the squirrel that the owner had saved got in the way of the doctor's true aim and was instantly killed by the doctor's scalpel.

The doctor became irate and began stabbing at the owner with yet another scalpel. The doctor hit the owner in the head multiple times, which effectively made the owner's face unrecognizable due to the brain and gore falling out of his head and oozing onto his face. The doctor counted yet another kill, and walked off singing, "One severed head on the wall, one severed head, kill another put him up, two severed heads on the wall."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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