The Shipment

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A gentle rocking wakes Spade... Spade is a skinny man with a questionable personality and more so hobbies. He glances around to find himself on the lower deck of a massive ship, so he explores to see if he had already left the dock. To no surprise, Spade saw that he had been in the middle of the oceans with no land in sight. Spade explored to find resources to help him survive, then he remembered his job, his reason for being there, the cargo. Spade ran back to the lower deck to find two more people, a man, and a young woman who appeared to be in her early thirties. He rushed over to the man first, he tied up him up and searched him for anything that he could use, but to no avail. He then proceeded to do the same to the young woman, but as Spade was searching her, the man awoke and freed himself from his ropes. All the man saw was Spade on top of an innocent woman who had fallen asleep, so he charged over to Spade and banked him into a pile of barrels. Due to the ruckus, the young woman woke, and the three realized that they would have tolerate or kill each other. Spade introduced himself, then the man introduced himself as Jax, then the woman as Kate. The three discussed the cargo and how they all disagreed with the morality of the cargo. Kate mentioned that she could be the medic of the three as she was a doctor before the ship, then Jax claimed to be a marksman, but Spade refused to say what his profession was, this sparked mistrust towards Spade from both Kate and Jax. Kate and Jax waited to be alone, and when they finally got to be alone, they discussed a plan. The plan was to secretly cover each other so that they could protect themselves against Spade. Then everything changed, the ship's cargo went missing, the ship's sails had been torn to shreds, and Spade was nowhere to be found. This was a problem for Jax and Kate. One night, the cargo was found in the lower deck covered in roughly a week's worth of food for one person, but Spade remained missing. Jax and Kate figured that Spade had been the one to leave the food out, then they realized what Spade's prior profession was. Spade was a famous murderer, who they had seen on the t.v., and who was called ' The Game Master'.

Kate and Jax agreed to have shifts for when the night comes, Jax watches from dusk to midnight while Kate sleeps, and Kate watches from midnight to dawn while Jax sleeps. The two soon came to realize that they would have to do everything together, and that if they were to separate at any point in time, Spade would kill one of them. Then the first night came rolling like a dark fog on a spring day, unnaturally climbing its way through the sky. Kate went to bed while Jax stood watch... that was not enough. The dark night sky hid Spade while he crawled into the lower deck where Jax and Kate stayed for the night. He masked himself in the abysmal night to attempt to murder Kate as she was sleeping. He grasped a long knife and went for the kill, but he was stopped by Jax. Spade was irate with the outcome of his first attempt, but he tried again,, but this time he went for Jax. He hit Jax, but the wound was not deep enough to kill Jax, with this, Spade became so irate that he barraged Jax with the knife. His barrage was successful in shredding Jax's arms, which prevented Jax from defending Kate anymore. Jax screamed and woke Kate, who then asked, "What happened?!" Jax replied by holding Kate's hand with his own, and he let his blood run down to her hand. Kate's eyes widened and she began fearing for her life, she ran out to the upper deck into the moonlit graveyard of a ship, she ran into a corner and grabbed a short kitchen knife from the barrel on her right. However, Spade planted the barrel and the knife, so he had known what Kate had and was able to prepare to kill her.

Spade was out of Kate's view for the remainder of the night, which caused Kate to worry. Then she fell asleep... she woke up bound to a chair with no feeling in her arms. She tried to turn around, but she was unable to do so due to a large metal pole through her arms behind her back. She struggled trying to escape, but her struggling only allowed Spade to get more enjoyment from her torture.

A few days passed, Kate was dead and floating alongside the ship, when they finally reached the shoreline, Spade jumped on the land. The world is no longer safe.

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