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It's been a few days since your little outing with Asriel and ever since then, you felt as if your relationship has shifted ever so slightly. Asriel was still the same as always, caring but sometimes a bit impetuous and to top it all off, he wasn't shy at all whenever he was around you. Seriously, sometimes you can't help but think he leaves the bathroom door unlocked on purpose. But despite the glimpse of safety you felt when you were around him, anxiousness still took over whenever you were outside of your dorm. And it often persisted even after you were finally within the comfort of your shared room.

Right now, you were tip-toeing through the hallways on your way back from yet another alternate history class. The day after your little trip to the 'district of lights', as you've decided to call it, Asriel called the royal scientist, keeping the promise he made earlier. That was about a week ago and you were eagerly expecting the results, which hopefully would put your mind at ease.

As you continued to sneak through the maze like hallways, you picked up the sound of a second pair of steps coming from yet another branching path roughly fifty paces ahead of you. Under normal circumstances this wouldn't be a problem but despite Asriel's best efforts to help you calm down, you remained on high alert most of the time. So you remained in attack mode as you carefully approached the intersection of hallways.

"Relax, it's just me," Lonnie, out of all people, walked out off the hallways, his hand raised as to signify he's no threat.

"Yeah, it's 'just' you. Not sure if that's any better," you responded in a sarcastic, almost cynical way. But maybe this could turn out to be the moment you've waited for, you did want to ask Lonnie a few questions.

"Anyways. Seeing that we already ran into each other here, mind if I ask you a few questions?"

"Go ahead," Lonnie didn't really sound like a cared at all.

"Do you know anything about past timelines?" you directly confronted him about the matter that kept burning in the back of your mind.

"Come again?" he seemed a little confused at first.

"Don't play dumb with me, you clearly know something. Those weird dreams or visions or whatever you want to call it, they only started appearing after I've met you and they kept bothering me ever since," you tone shifted to something a little more insisting. "Besides, Asriel told me about the entire reset thing."

"Well, if you put it like that. Yes, I do know something. What do you want to know?" Lonnie presented himself as surprisingly cooperative. Maybe he does want to help you.

"Anything, really. Like what happened to past me? Why is Asriel so adamant about not telling me what happened to my past self?" you continued your rather direct way of confronting him as it seems to be working so far.

"Ah that, yes. Tragic story really. I'm sure Asriel mentioned Frisk at some point or another, right? Well, they have a small problem. Nothing major, they just sold their soul to a demon at some point. Every once in a blue moon they loose control and the demon within them takes over," Lonnie sounded like he didn't care at all about what happened and why would he? You're not really the best of friends. "Everything happened about five years after you met Asriel. You were in your early twenties, freshly graduated college and ready to take on the world together."

Lonnie paused for a moment, though you couldn't tell whether it was to recollect his thoughts or to mock you. After another moment of silence, he continued. "You two were in the mansions backyard, lying on the grass as you were stargazing on a balmy, starry summer night. Things were rather peaceful, that was until Frisk, or rather Chara, charged at you with a knife in their hand. Asriel could only watch in horror as they assaulted you, at least until he had knife jammed between his eyes. Pretty sad end for you. If it wasn't for the fact they caught you off guard you'd have survived, probably."

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