Chapter six ~ new sibling.

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I click a button on the bottom the the T.V, once I change the channel to my favourite show, slug terra, 'Oh my glob Eli and his gang are getting beaten by a enemy' I think to my self while watching the show. "LUKE. COME DOWN STAIRS." Princess Bubble gum yells. I roll my eyes then head down the steps. "me and your father are going out to get your things ready for school." Mom claps her hands and leaves with dad in the car. 'Great now in stuck with this drooling baby!' I shove her toys near my sister, "There chew on those and drool!" my sister giggles when I scream at her. 'she thinks I'm funny? what a weird baby.' She eventually drooled everywhere, my sister looked more like our mother.

~2 Days Later~

Mom and dad still didn't come back home, lucky they left some bottles of milk for ruby, Fiona comes walking into our house, hi Luke hello Ruby" Fiona picks up Ruby and starts talking weird, uncle comes in groaning, "where is my sister and that boy, Finn?" i shrug "they should be sleeping, Luke where are they?" I look at them both with scared eyes "they haven't come back yet they left 2 days ago and never came......" I started to trail off. "Where is cake and jake? Anyways we will look after you much kins, well until your parents come back home." Fiona and Gum ball head towards the TV area, they put on some show, I go be hide the couch and watch with them, 'what are they doing?' The characters start touching lips with each other then Aunty and uncle start copying them.

{Years later}


"Stop macking on that pizza, YOU got to get READY for school now, bone head." My sister rolls her eyes, "Gum ball take Ruby to school please and Luke get walking now please."

{At school}

I get to the front office, a lady gives me my schedule for the day, 'it's gonna be a long day' I moan to my self. I wonder where my parents are now, I get lost in my thoughts and bump

Into a kid "Watch where your going dumb head, or next time your going to be bleeding on the ground!" I nod my head and countie on my way to class. I look around seeing everyone chanting away, I set my bag down in the corner where my desk was after a girl with blonde hair, purple dress and purple shoes sat down next to me, "hi, I'm Luke." I say to the blond head girl with the long hair, "I'm Rupanzle, it's nice to meet you Luke." I look at her beauitful green eyes, they shine like a diamond, "why are you staring? You know it's rude right?!" I shake my head, "well at least you know, are you new here? I never saw you before in any school I went to...." she started to trail off, "oh yes I am new...... here, also I'm ..s...s... sorry I was starring I couldn't help but look into your eyes, Rupanzle!" She looked at me shocked. "may I see your Schedule?" Rupanzle handed me her schedule, "Great! we have all the same class."


I hand Luke my schedule "Great! We have all the same class he shriked loud enough for the class to starre at us. "so........ Luke do you got any other friends?" "No I don't, only you." he looked down ashamed, "well you may come and eat lunch with me and my friends." A bug smile appears onto his face.


Me and Luke grab our lunch and head to the table where Hiccup,Mirada, Jack, Elsa,Anna, and Flynn sat.


"Hey Punzi and boy" The girl with brown hair said to us, "his name is Luke" We both sit down between a boy with brown hair, green shirt, and a brown vest "hello there...... I'm hiccup, you are?" Hiccup ate some of his food while he waited for me "I'm Luke and who is punzi?" A girl with Puffy, curly red hair answered me, "she is Rupanzle, sometimes we call her punzi!" the red hair girl shouted quietly, I look on the other side of the table to see a boy with a blue hoddie, white hair and pale skin hugging, the female with white hair and pale skin "never mind them Luke all they are doing is dating each other, nothing to worry about and by the way, I am Mirada." Mirada gives me punch in the arm, i look around seeing only the two hugging each other. "hi I'm Anna, I'm Elsa's little sister." I smile a greets to Anna 'she seems cute' she titles her head, "I'm Luke...." Mirada switches place with me and leans on Hiccups shoulder, "So who are the reset of the group?" "The male with white hair is Jack and his girlfriend there is Elsa, the boy beside you is Flynn." I look to my Right seeing Flynn, on my left is Punzi, Mirada, and hiccup. "Later we can text each other!" Puniz yelps out to the group all of us nod our heads. The bell rings everyone but Jack and Elsa go to the same class, "is it Math now?" Puniz looks at me puzzled "Yeah I think so."

{after school}


Jack and I hold hands on our way home, we reach our point, Jack gives me a kiss I go Rose red, "See you later!" I rush into my room and go upstairs slamming the door.

{Next morning}

"Elsa, Elsa! Elsa wake up! time for school now!" Anna yells in my face, I rub my eyes and yell all I see is a blurry person. the blurry mess taps my nose, "wake up sleepy head!" Anna bugs me till I'm awake, "Okay, Anna in awake now!"


Elsa slowly gets out of her bed, she takes 5 minutes in the shower then 10 minutes to get ready for school, Her and Anna eat up quickly then head off down the road with Jack.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2014 ⏰

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