Chapter one

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"One, two, three, four" you say to yourself as you learn the box step for the waltz basics. You had to wait til sam and dean were asleep to practice in the most quietest room in the whole bunker. There was a hunt for something that keeps killing couples who are last seen dancing together at a particular dance studio.

You kept tripping on the floor a couple of tries but kept replaying the YouTube video of how to dance the waltz and tried the steps again. You imagined what it'd be like dancing with castiel if ever given the chance, you've had a crush on the angel for almost 3 years since you met the brothers. But the party invite was for a masquerade ball so there's no way he would be there and you two ever end up dancing.

"Oh come on you can do this (y/n)!" You whispered harshly to yourself. Unaware that castiel had been in the room not far from you. You kept thinking back to what it would be like to hold his hand, have his arm wrapped around your waist as you danced while staring at one another. But you blushed most at the thought of looking into his cerulean blue eyes as if they were so bright you'd be blind for staring into them too long.

"Do you need any help (y/n)?" Castiel asked, noticing you. You were surprised by his presence that you tripped on your foot and fell face first into the table. Not a very bright landing but better than on the hard floor am I right?

"Uh h-hi cas, h-how Long have you been standing there??" You ask while blushing and staring all around the room except at him. He tilted his head and stared at you in confusion.

"Not for very long, I kept hearing you say my name so I assumed you needed my help. Are you alright?" His concern made your heart flutter.

"I'm fine, just practicing" you look away from him. Cursing yourself for letting him hear you call his name.

"Practicing? Didn't sam and dean already teach you their fighting skills?"

"Th-th-They did. It's just *sighs*" you rub your fingers through your (h/c) hair. This action causing castiel to tense a bit, unknown as to why but you don't notice this.

Might As well tell him the truth.

He's just gonna laugh at you.

Shut your pie hole!

"I won't laugh, and if you want me to 'shut my pie hole' I will try to but I don't think I have a pie hole." Castiel replies in concern and confusion. He was just so cute when he took some things literal. You giggled a bit and stood in front of him.

"It's just an expression cas. And well you see you know about the case right?"

"Yes, what does that have to do with what you're doing?"

"Well..we have to do the waltz for the ball that we have to go undercover at. I told the boys I know how to dance but.."


"I don't know how.."

Silence filled the air.

"So you see that's why I've been doing all this when everyone is asleep or out. So I can get better and not make a fool of myself" You chuckle nervously as you push your hair behind your ear.

When you hear nothing else you assume he had left while you were talking so you turn back around to play your video for the dance. Suddenly you feel a hand take a hold of your own and another on your waist gently pulling you in. Your breath got caught in your ribcage when you saw castiel staring at you, he was a bit taller than you and he smelled heavenly of vanilla with brown sugar (pun not intended 😅). Once in position Castiel started your YouTube playing the song "everything by Boyce avenue" and you start to sway as if all those mistakes you made not that long ago dissipated the moment he lead you on the floor. How did he know how to dance so well?

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