Be careful what you wish for!

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~Chapter 1~

Louis groaned loudly as he was trying his best to tune out the knocking on his door.

As much as he tried to voodoo his mother into leaving she didn't so he kicked the covers off and walked to the door.

Jay never leaves before Louis does that because if he doesn't get up immediately then he for sure will fall right back asleep. He opened the door, maybe a little too forcefully almost head banging it.

"I'm up woman. Stop it." Jay smiled at her son and kissed his forehead.

"Breakfast is ready." She walked away to get the rest of the bunch up and helped them get ready.

Louis always admired how dedicated she was, his mum is hands down the best person he's ever met and truly loved everyone, like Louis has never met anyone before who was so judgement free and genuinely kind, people have the assumption that Louis doesn't get enough attention as his parents decided to have so much kids but that's not true. They do an amazing job at taking care of his siblings and him.

He got back to his room and threw on the first things that came to his hands which happened to be a grey hoodie and black, tight and when he says tight he means really, very tight, skinny jeans. He walked downstairs and took a seat at the table next to his dad.

Well his step dad to be specific but he doesn't actually see Joshua as his step father, he loves him like Louis is his own son so Louis has grown to do the same through the years.

When the whole family was seated they all ate in somewhat quiet, meaning everyone was talking but Louis zoned all of it out. When he was finished he got up and kissed his mum on the cheek to say thanks for the breakfast.

He ran back up and brushed his teeth, he was actually really lucky cause he was the only one with an attached bathroom of his own. The rest of his siblings shared, each of them having their room with another one of them. Lottie shared with Fizzy, Daisy with Phoebe, and Doris with Ernest.

When Louis was finished he walked back down and started to tie up his Vans.

"Do you need a ride kiddo?" Joshua was standing in front of him with his keys in his hand while his mum was running around looking for papers.

"No, I'll walk if that's alright." He only smiled and nodded quickly hugging him as Jay was finally finished.

"Be careful darling, see you at school." His parents were gone just like that and Louis was left to walk to school on his own.

When Jay said 'see you at school', she meant it. Louis' mum is a teacher and it just so happens to be that she teaches in the same school Louis goes to, also meaning that Louis has a lot to live up to and some bullying.

He's okay with it though and he likes to keep it from as many people as possible, for whatever reason his bullies have never told anyone, maybe because Louis has never told his mum. It's like a little, mutual agreement.

That's why Louis is left to walk even though he's probably the laziest person alive. He just doesn't want more people to find out and then call him names and think that he only gets good grades because of his mummy.

He arrived at school, fortunately he didn't live too far, so he removed his earphones and started to walk to his locker.

He was walking deliberately a few people smiling or waving at him, he wasn't an outcast or anything, there was this group of people who always insulted him for everything but he's still pretty okay with things, he had his friends and he also didn't get bullied way too much.

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