Pretty boy stay away

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~Chapter 3~

The next day started off normal then everything had to go wrong. But Louis couldn't know that in advance so he just got out of his bed and got dressed as he did fell asleep naked.

He headed downstairs and eat all of his breakfast, thanking his mum. After he brushed his teeth and got on his shoes he was out the door, and walking to school like every morning.

He plugged in his ear buds and listened to Arctic Monkeys, his favourite album of all times is their first one so he just let himself be lost in the music for more than he usually does. Maybe that's why he didn't hear everyone whispering fiercely about something that happened, opening his locker and finally pulled out his earphones only to stuff them into his bag and place them to his locker while getting out his math book.

He shut his door and turned to walk to class only to drop the book from his hands as his eyes fell on Harry.

He looked like utter shit, he had a cut on his bottom lip and bruises all over him, every inch that Louis was able to see on his body was covered in the nasty coloured spots.

Harry didn't seem happy, perhaps he was in pain, but Louis figured it was mostly because of all the whispering and gossips. He knows this one thing for sure, Harry hates his reputation.

Now every living soul thought that Louis is bloody insane after what happened next as he walked straight to Harry and stopped in front of him.

"Are you freaking nuts? What the hell did you do? We didn't leave you like this." Harry turned his head to glare at someone who stepped back immediately. He grabbed Louis and pulled him to the bathroom.

He walked around and checked that no one was there which was the case so he turned back to Louis.

"I didn't ask for this Louis, now can you please be a doll for once and not tell anyone what happened yesterday?" Louis looked at him and for whatever reason the kicked puppy act wasn't fitting in his eyes.

"I promise not to say a word if you won't either." Harry smirked and held out his hand. "Deal."

"Deal." Louis shook it and tried to pull away his hand only to be whipped closer to Harry.

"And it doesn't matter who did this, don't get involved in something that you know nothing about. Were you never taught that? 'Before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for.'" With that Harry turned around and walked out.

Louis just blinked after the taller lad not fully believing that he actually just said that, like who goes around and quotas fucking The cab.

Louis ran after him as he's going to be late again if he doesn't hurry.

Harry on the other hand was more than comfortable with walking peacefully so Louis caught up to him at the door just when the bell rang.

"After you princess." Louis groaned and pushed on Harry's chest, entering the room while Harry bit back a moan from the pain.

Louis stayed oblivious and Jay said nothing to how Harry's looking. Harry was left to take all the curious, disgusted gazes and Jay's pitiful one.

He was actually grateful that he has Louis and it might be strange as to why, when he's a dick to Harry, but he can tell that Louis is not a bad person or anything he's just careful and Harry is fine with that, he's also probably the only one who actually knows shit about the curly-haired boy here and still isn't afraid of him.

The classes flew by and Harry was sitting next to Louis on each of them. It was their last period before lunch when the teacher didn't came in and they were given a free period.

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