Everybody should have a soft spot for cacti

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~Chapter 6~

Louis awoke to knocking on his door like always, meaning that his family was back and his mother was here to wake him up.

What Louis didn't get was why is it so much harder than usually, why the hell was he so comfy in the hold of someone? One of the person's hands was on his bare thigh and the other was wrapped securely around his middle.

Louis' eyes flew open only to be met with Harry's amazing green orbs. Louis smiled not really understanding that they're cuddling just yet.

There came another knock and Louis snapped out, groaning loudly. He finally got up and out of Harry's welcoming arms and opened his door.

"I'm up woman." Jay smiled and kissed Louis' forehead then walked down the hall like always.

"Let's get ready." Louis walked to his closet while Harry got out of the bed as well. He was stunned to see how amazing Louis' relationship with his mum is. He only wished that he could have a family like this.

Harry was way too deep in his thoughts so he was not prepared to catch the clothes thrown his way. It was a huge, levander jumper and another pair of sweats.

"I only have two questions, do you actually think that I'd wear this colour and why the hell do you buy clothes that don't fit you at all?"

"I think it will look really good on you also I don't want to waste my life away while trying to find anything black in my closet and I enjoy loose clothing because it's just better." Harry only shrugged and changed.

He completely missed Louis who forgot that he was supposed to change himself and just stared at Harry's amazing body. They did get dressed after eye fucking each other and walked downstairs.

"Well good morning." Louis kissed all of his siblings while Harry awkwardly stood to the side.

"Oh, Harry, hi my dear, didn't know you were staying over." Jay rushed to get one more plate even though Harry tried to lamely protest. "None sense darling, you need to eat before going to school."

The twins were talking away about their friend they've made and Harry found it so adorable that they only become friends with someone if they like the other as well.

When they were done they walked back upstairs to brush their teeth. Louis grabbed his bag and they started to walk to school. "Why don't you ride with your mum?"

"I don't want people to know, I get enough shit from Adam and his friends as it is."

"Do they still give you a hard time?" Harry tensed up, looking way too intimidating for Louis' liking, he doesn't like the idea of Harry getting into fights. What if he gets hurt?

"No, they haven't done anything lately." They reached the school and still had a lot of spare minutes until first class so they took their sweet time walking to Harry's locker where he grabbed his book then headed to the smaller lad's so he could do the same.

The closer they got to first period the more people were left gobsmacked, maybe Louis should have taken a little extra time in the morning to find Harry something more fitting. He had no regrets though as he looked freaking amazing.

They went through their day as usual, both of them felt like they did well on the test. It was already lunch period so they walked to the cafeteria, keeping a conversation about hamsters.

They got their food and walked to the table where a few students groaned, realising that Harry's back, Harry flipped them off and Louis laughed his ass off when they got up and scurried away, afraid of him.

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