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Smith's Grove Sanitarium

December 24th, 1992

12:37 am

It's a snowy night in Smith's Grove. All the patients were now locked in their bedrooms hopefully sleeping. The guard at the front desk is now asleep even though he should be watching the door and the camera's. The guard on front desk woke by the sound of the little bell indicating the door was opening. His vision was fuzzy with tiredness. From what he can see, he see's a tall man, his face seem to be really white. "Visiting hours won't be available for another 8 hours." the guard said groggily. The man didn't say anything. The man grabbed the guards head and banged it on the desk several times. The guard tried to reach for his gun but the man already got a hold of his neck and pushed him against the wall. The guard got a clear look of the man and couldn't believe his eyes until everything went black.

The guard was now dead, and the man observed his corpse tilting his head. He walked away from the body and walked into one of the hallways. He walked until he found the door to the kitchen. He looked through one of the drawers and found a huge butcher knife shining and glistening in the dark. He then walked to a door that labeled, "Control Room." He opened the door very slowly and quietly and noticed another guard sleeping on the chair. The room was surrounded by screens showing images of empty dark hallways. He stood behind the guard for a brief moment. He put his hand over his mouth, the guard up with a panic, he struggled to get whoever's hand off, but it was too late. The man took his knife and slit the guard's throat. The guard was bleeding out rapidly until there was no life left to be spared. The man looked at all of the screens and looks at a square panel full of buttons. He clicked the large red button that said "Emergency Lock down." The control room lit a bright red and loud buzzing sound echoed throughout the building and every patients room door swung open. The man walked out of the room leaving the bleeding corpse, no one was getting in or out of the building and everyone in Smith's Grove Sanitarium were unaware about the hell that's about to be unleashed.

December 25th, 1992

Haddonfield, Illinois 8:01 am

A man and a woman were on the couch watching the news about the massacre that took place in Smith's Grove.

Breaking News:

"I'm standing here outside of Smith's Grove Sanitarium. Now as you can see there is a lot law enforcement involved. That's because a horrific massacre took place here on Christmas eve leaving none but two survivors." The news woman pointed at the two remaining survivors; nothing but a red blurry blob.

"Now you can't see them just out of respect but what I can gather they completely covered in blood. Now this is a very terrible tragedy that we have to discuss on Christmas."

The man shut off the TV before it could go any further. He wiped his face with his hand and stood up in shock.

"Elliot you don't it was him do you?" the woman asked while hugging a pillow. "What are you talking about?" Elliot asked. "You know who I'm talking about Elliot don't be an idiot." she snapped. Elliot turned away, "He's been dead for almost 4 years now, that'll be impossible." "You don't know what really happened 4 years ago. They never found his body, not even that poor little girl. We're going to have to tell her sooner or later, we can't keep this secret forever." Elliot interrupted, "And tell her what!?" A young girl came downstairs stopping their conversation, "Tell who what?" she was concerned. "Hey stink pot Merry Christmas!" Elliot walked toward at the staircase and give her a kiss on the cheek. The girl laughed and shoved him away, "Dad I'm not 7 anymore. So tell who what?" Elliot felt his stomach dropped, "Uh um

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