Defective - Jin

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*1 and only disclaimer- I don't own BTS. If there is a name on the top like there is in this one it focuses on that alphas pov mostly*

It was 9pm when the knock on the door came.

They had been waiting for this moment for years, ever since Jungkook turned sixteen and joined their pack. For two long years they waited, and now they finally got their omega!!

Jin had rushed around the house, cleaning and sorting it out all while preparing a room for the new omega.

(For reference this is the room below)

Jin rushed to the door, ready to meet the omega that would be with them forever

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Jin rushed to the door, ready to meet the omega that would be with them forever....

He was greeted by two stern-faced alphas.

"May we come in? We are from the Omega Habilitation Society and have a problem..."


"We're sorry, he's a bit... Defective."

Jin couldn't remove his eyes from the tiny omega sat on the carpet.

Patchy brown hair was almost impossibly matted, and his frame was so skinny you could see every bone. His skin looked tan and dirty, and his eyes were far too big for his face. The remnants of baby fat clung desperately to the boys cheeks, and be was desperately grabbing a ragged bunny plush.

 The remnants of baby fat clung desperately to the boys cheeks, and be was desperately grabbing a ragged bunny plush

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"Just say the word and we will dispose of him."

The word no was on his lips. No we don't want him. He can't help Jungkook or anyone through our ruts, he's useless to us...

The boy looked up and their eyes met.

Despite all he had been through, chocolate eyes retained a childish innocence. Jin's heart melted. He couldn't let this child, this fifteen year old get killed for something he couldn't help. It looked like his pack agreed as well as he cast a quick glance.

Taehyung was on the verge of tears, staring at the pitiful figure sitting cross-legged on the fluffy white carpet. Jungkook had octopused himself to his back, in a similar state. The youngest two couldn't help it. They'd never seen someone in that state before, none of them had.

Namjoon and Yoongi looked pissed off and horrified, while Hoseok looked distraught. His hands twitched with an urge to comfort, and he started wringing them, a prominent frown settling on his face.

Another look back at the Omegas face and Jin was sold.

"We'll take him."


Bathing the omega was an experience.

"Would you like a shower?" Jin had asked gently after the officials had left, dumbfounded that the alphas kept a defective omega.

Jin was shocked when the omega scrambled back, shaking his head violently. "NO HOSE! COLD! NO HOSE NO HOSE NO HOSE NO HOSE NO HOSE NO HOSE NO HOSE.......!!!"

He trailed off, loud sobs erupting as he buried his face into the soft mucky blue fur of the rabbit in his tiny hands. Jin, heartbroken, advanced slowly, hearing but not fully registering the quiet distressed sobs of his pack behind him.

He lifted the boys skin, watching small tears slide down his face. "No hose, I promise." He smiled gently, seething at the previous owners on the inside. "How about a nice warm bath, hm?"

"Warm... Baff?" The omega muttered.

"Nice and warm," Jin confirmed, deciding to ignore the botched pronunciation for now. " What do you think?"

The Omega thought for a moment. He looked at his plushy and spoke in gibberish, Jin and his pack patiently waiting as the childlike teenager made his decision.

"OK, I get in baff."


Jin didn't know whether to cry or hurl, and his pack behind him watching weren't doing much better.

Washing Jimin in the bath wasn't a problem, but his body!

Every one of his ribs could be counted, along with every knob in his spine. His stomach sunk in, and his legs and arms were stick thin. His fingers were like twigs, and his feet seemed too large for his frame.

Despite this, the boy giggled gleefully in the bath, playing with a rubber duck he had managed to find. Squeezing it, he jumped at the noise it made, before a smile pulled his dirty lips apart to reveal white teeth.

Smiling gently, Jin said, "Hold on a second baby, hyung just needs to wipe your face clean, ok?"

Slightly disappointed, the boy nodded sadly, eyes closing as Jin gently wiped the dirt, and his tan, off.

Jin was startled. Beneath the ugly patchy tan was beautiful pale skin, surprisingly clear after all it went through. Unaware of how different he looked, the boy looked up and said, "Bunny icky too. Bunny baff?"

Realising he meant the blue plush, an idea struck. "Yes Bunny can bathe, and Bunny needs to be squeaky clean, doesn't he?"

The Omega nodded, grabbing the rabbit and gently placing it in the water. Jin took the shampoo bottle and squeezed a bit of the pink liquid into his hand.

"Now, what we do is we run this into Bunny's fur, and your hair." He squeezed a reasonable dollop into his hand for the boys hair, and while he attempted to un-matte his hair, he kept the boy busy with cleaning his plush. After twenty minutes, all the mattes were out of his hair.

"Now we rinse." Jin showed the skinny boy how to rinse on Bunny, before rinsing the boys hair himself. Another surprise to all of them was that the boy was blonde. The patchy brown hair was due to the mess.

After conditioner, skincare and checking for health issues, Taehyung and Jungkook dried the boy and Hoseok blow dried his hair. Yoongi took Bunny, saying he'd do the same in another room. He didn't. He threw the plush in the dryer. The omega didn't know, and grabbed his plush when Yoongi came back five minutes later, talking in gibberish once again.

Namjoon brought the boy a bowl of cereal, gently spooning it down his throat. The boy barely made it through a quarter of the bowl before he started refusing, stubbornly repeating the words, "Full hyung, full!"

When Hoseok settled the Omega into his room, he was struck by how much the omega was like a child. He was fascinated by every toy and book, and didn't know how to form a proper sentence. He knew words, but not how to structure them. He didn't know a lot, and shoved a childish innocence that the pack had long forgotten back into their lives.

Hoseok stayed until the boy fell asleep, still grasping Bunny in one hand. Hoseok traversed the other rooms.

Taehyung and Jungkook had fallen asleep gripping each other, tear tracks down both of their faces. Yoongi was in the middle, on his phone.

Jin and Namjoon were curled up in the bed, and Hoseok crawled in between them.

He lay there, thinking.

How could someone absolutely destroy someone as precious as the boy they held in such a horrifying way?

He drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

Defective *Jimin X BTS*Where stories live. Discover now