Scared - Namjoon

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Having a... Traumatised omega was not the easiest thing in the world.

During the discussion of Jimin's naming (and seething at the fact he thought he was called Slut) a storm had crept up. Rain started to lash down but it wasn't that bad.

A shrill scream tore through the air as thunder rocked the earth.

Moving on instinct, Namjoon ran into Jimin's bedroom, eyes scanning before finding the small blonde curled up in the corner, Bunny in his hands and his blanket around his body. Tears cut down his cheeks as he screamed again, not realising Namjoon was in the room.

"Jiminie," he soothed, running to the omega and pulling him into his arms, "what's the matter?"

"Loud, loud, too loud, no more no more no more no more no more..." The blonde murmured under his breath, before shrieking again as another shock of thunder rumbled through the sky.

"It's ok, baby boy," the alpha said calmly, stroking the frightened Omegas hair. Blonde curls parted to allow slim fingers to comb through, a simple affectionate touch he had never felt before. Soothed by these motions, Jimin felt his body relax against his will, leaning further into the alphas chest. His screams grew quieter, and eventually, all that happened when thunder rumbled was he jumped and cried a bit louder.

Namjoon's hands stroked circles on his back, occasionally straying towards the blondes belly or sides, but mostly staying central. He never once stopped the soothing gesture, despite not liking the feel of his spine so prominent beneath his pale skin. Jimin buried his head into the alphas shoulder, still crying quite heavily, but overall a great deal calmer than he was before.

Another boom struck, making Jimin jump and causing Namjoon's hand to stroke his ribs. Something between a screech and a giggle left the boys mouth, a combination of fear and joy that left the omega himself confused. Namjoon chuckled gently. "What was that, Minnie?"

Highly confused, the small boy replied, "Don't know. Weird feel."

"It felt weird huh?" The alpha smiled, returning his hand back to the Omegas ribs. Another giggle left the boy, who squirmed. A stroke of genius hit, and the alpha pulled the omega onto his lap.

"Do you know what that was Minnie?" Due to a confused shake of the head, he attempted, "It's something parents do to their kids when they're realllllly little, can you guess?"

When all he was met with was another confused glance, Namjoon once again cursed the boys parents. Honestly, what child had never been tickled by their parents?! It was a typical bonding activity between the two parties!

Noticing Jimin was still looking up at him questioningly, the alpha smiled at him and said, "You're ticklish, baby."

Frowning at the unfamiliar word, the blonde attempted, "Tik- tikerish? What tikerish?" Gasping in shock, he looked at Namjoon with fear, "Tikerish sickie? Minnie sickie? Minnie no like sickie, Minnie no want to die!!"

"Baby boy, ticklishness isn't a disease," Namjoon smiled gently, despite planning 80654 ways to kill Jimin's parents mentally, "It's a fun little bonding activity."


"Yeah baby boy. Fun."

Jimin sat upright. "Minnie like fun."

"Does he now?"


"So does Minnie like being tickled?"

"Minnie not know."

"Better figure that out then." And with those words, Namjoon's hands started skimming the boys tummy.

Quiet, shy giggles erupted from the omega, melodic in nature but unsure in tone. The alpha handled him carefully, overly aware of every bone that pushed at his skin. Lightly skimming his fingers over his sunken stomach, he started to press a little harder, being rewarded with loud, unbridled laughter that he had never heard from the omega. Almost addicted to the sound, he kept going, moving from place to place. Finding a weak spot in his underarms, he decided to move to less sensitive spots, still aware that the boy had a way to go before recognising all touch as safe, and not wanting a touch he recently learned about to be perceived as hellish. Despite the blondes squirming, he never once asked to stop, and seemed to almost enjoy it, judging by the way he'd pull the alphas hand to his stomach. Smiling, Namjoon continued to tickle the omega until his laughter got a bit more breathy, at which point he left the boy alone, pulling him into another cuddle.

"Minnie like tikerish." Jimin murmured quietly, relaxing into Namjoon's hold. "No hurt."

"That's good baby boy. I'll make sure the others know."

Humming in acknowledgement, Jimin then said, "Like this too."

"You like to cuddle?"

"Minnie like cudel."

"We'll have to cuddle you lots then, won't we?"

Nodding, the blonde yawned. "Lots and lots and lots."

Lifting the omega up, the alpha picked up Bunny and the blanket and carried the half asleep boy to his bed. Depositing him on the soft mattress, he covered him with the fluffy grey blanket, stroking his hair until he fell asleep. Cute tiny snores could be heard if you focused, and the tiny hands clasped Bunny's blue fur tightly even in his sleep. Smiling at the sight, Namjoon stood up, noticing the other alphas in the doorway. Ushering them outside, he quietly closed the pastel pink door, wandering into the living room.

"We'll take him shopping tomorrow," he decided, making a list of stuff the boy would need.

"Also, if he he asks you to tickle or cuddle him-"

"We do it. We know. We saw."


"Don't complain. The two of you were cute."

"Why are you so fricking blunt, Yoongi hyung??"

"You love me for it brat."

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