Nightmares - Hoseok

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The darkness of the basement was closing in on the omega, and Masters frightful grin practically glowed in the dark.

Jimin screamed as skeletal hands reached through the centimetre squares in his cage, snagging his skin and getting tangled in his hair.

"Come on Slut," Master said, his voice a deep baritone, "Make Master feel good."

"Jimin, wake up baby!"

Jimin thrashed around, trying to disentangle the fingers from his hair and skin. In retaliation, they closed around his neck, and Jimin felt his air supply plummet. A noiseless scream that no one would hear.

"Jimin, sweetheart, it's gonna be ok, alright? No one's gonna hurt you again, hyung promises. Now wake up sweetie, come on!"

A softer voice cut through Master's, encouraging Jimin to wake up. The omega didn't know why, but that voice made him feel safe. Despite his decreasing air supply, Jimin let himself slip into darkness...


Hoseok gave a relieved cry as Jimin shocked himself awake, instantly wrapping him in a warm embrace. As the blonde began to sob with fright, the alpha held him.

"It's ok, baby, you know that right? It's ok to be scared, but your hyungs are going to protect you now. He won't hurt you again, you have my word."

Sniffling, the boy looked up at the elder.

"Minnie safe?"

"Minnie's safe, sweetheart."


It was a pleasant surprise for the alpha that Jimin didn't seem to remember his nightmare. Judging by how the kid had thrashed around screaming, it had been absolutely horrific.

Hobi shuddered, passing it off as the cold when Jin asked.

The truth was, Hoseok had been fighting off a panic attack himself while soothing Jimin. He had been mistaken for an omega once, as he was a slightly weaker alpha with a sweeter scent, and ultimately had ended up being forced to submit. Jin and Yoongi had come to his rescue, but Hobi was still traumatised to some extent. Seeing the omega thrash in such a way made the alpha realise how much Omegas actually went through, and gave Hoseok a new understanding.

As the alpha turned to look at the omega, the omega burst into delighted giggles. Somehow Taehyung had found a bubble wand, and Jimin was absolutely enraptured by the multicoloured spheres. As Taehyung gave a second to Jungkook, they surrounded the small boy with bubbles, laughing as he ran around trying to catch one.

Jimin laughed as one popped in his face, lightly showering him in bubble mixture. As he ran around trying to pop all the bubbles, he tripped on a loose bit of rug, falling straight into Hoseok's lap. He seized up, but the alpha quickly lifted him back onto his feet, ruffling fluffy blonde curls while laughing gently.

"Come on," he laughed, "if you pop more than me I'll buy you some chocolate!"

Not really knowing what chocolate is, but recognising it as prize, Jimin nodded, cheeks scrunching into his eyes as a pretty flush rose. The alpha and the omega started running around, popping as many bubbles as they could.

(Hoseok won.)

(He bought Jimin the chocolate anyway.)

As Jimin took his first bite of the brown substance outside of the store, his eyes widened almost comically. Swallowing, he looked up at the alpha.

"Is sweet," he declared, grinning, "Minnie likes!"

"What the fuck is wrong with him??"

Hoseok whirled around to see an Omega with two kids looking at the blonde with disgust. Jimin tilted his head in confusion, while Hoseok scowled. The Omegas alpha ran towards her, sensing Hoseok's displeasure.

"What's it to you?"

"He talks like a kid is what I mean. That's not right. It's unnatural." She pulled the two kids away, "I don't want him near my kids. What will he do to them?!?"

Despite this, the little omega girl, peeked around her mother's legs, grinning at the blonde. Smiling back, Jimin broke of half of his treat off. Trying his best, he tried, "ch-choclit?"

The girl took the chocolate, hugging the blonde before breaking it in half with her beta brother. The mother stared in shock, before glaring at Hoseok.

"Before you say anything," he began darkly, "This boy was raised in a cage, raped daily and never once taught how to speak or how to act. He was offered as something we could take it they could kill. My pack are not cold hearted. So before you go judging someone, try to realise that it's not your place, just like it isn't mine."

As Jimin waved goodbye to the children, Hobi gently pulled him away, stalking off as the children spoke to their mother about "how nice the blonde omega is" and "can they see him again".

Wrapping a hand around the Omegas waist and nuzzling his hair, the alpha led them home, glaring at those who looked at them like dirt and smiling at those who looked concerned.

He knew they were right to look after the blonde.

That was all that mattered.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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