Mini-chapter: Bathing time

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Third person POV

After a long day of work the group finally went to some bath houses. Minato on the other hand did not want to go because of he did not want to have another incident but at the same time he said he would go in after everyone was done. Issei begged him but he was denied by a slap to the face.

Issei: Alright, alright, I guess you have your free time but come on dude-

Minato: I don't want you spying on my sister because she will end us if she catches you!

Issei: Ok I see your point!

He said it in a terrified voice. The pervert knew how terrifying Minako could be if you pushed the right buttons.

Kiba: Come on Issei.

Issei: Alright.

Minato: I hope he doesn't get killed by her.

As it turned out Issei was beaten up by Minako but she spared Kiba of form the same fate as well. After everyone was done Minato went into the bathing are to relax and well clean himself to.

Minato: Ah this Sure is nice.

The blue haired boy let out a soft sigh and relaxed his body into the water.

???: It seem your enjoying yourself.

Minato: Oh Pharos, what are you doing here?

Pharos: Same as you, relaxing.

Minato: You said it.

A few minutes pass by and Minato was in a state of super relaxation. It was going fine until two people interrupted it.

???: How's it going?

Minato: Huh?

Minato opened his eyes and say Koneko and Asia together. (They had towels on)

Asia: You were all alone so I suggest two of us should come here.

Minato: Okey...

Koneko: Don't worry we won't do anything wrong.

Minato: Alright. Why do these things happen to me?

All three of sat down and had a little conversation, Asia had suggested they clean Minato but he instantly declined the offer of hers, Koneko was satisfied with his answer as well.

Minato: Well this was fun but I thinks it's time to leave.

Koneko: You said it, my fingers are starting to get pruny and this is our second bath so I can we had our fair share of bathing.

Asia: Yay I guess your right.

Minato: Well I have enjoyed your company but I think you have stayed enough so let's head out.

Alright so that's the end of this chapter but I have some things that I want to discuss about what happened earlier on in the book. Minato and Asia's relationship. Since the in the chapter "Saving Asia and a Fearful Persona" that Asia and Minato told each other the loved each other but there not in a relationship is because after Asia died and then was revived she didn't remember her telling Minato that she loved him and when Minato went into that state of summoning Pyriel he forgot everything he said to Asia in her dying state, and yes I am shipping them. Now what should the paring name Minsai or Asito. You guys choose.

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