Chapter Two

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Lauren's POV

The alpha was a girl but that is almost impossible and why would she care about me I'm just an omega, "Why the hell would you attack my son!" The female alpha looked over to me and I put my head down, "because he was being disrespectful to this beautiful omega and I wanted him to apologize."

The alpha wasn't as tall as the rest of the alphas she was around 5 foot 1 maybe 2, her brown hair fell down her back then there was her eyes they looked like melted chocolate she looked like a beautiful angel. "Now are you her Alpha?" What was this alpha doing? "No as of 10 minutes ago she is now my son's," I shivered and I could barely hold back the whimper. "So it's him I have to challenge to have her?"

My eyes grew wide, what did she mean by 'have her'? "You will lose he will kill you idiot he is an pure alpha you're a filthy female just trying to pretend like you're an alpha," the beautiful angel growled and picked up Tyrone throwing him into his father. "I think you want to take this fight not him," my alpha woke Tyrone up and he sounded like he had a concussion. "Son it is time for you to stand up you are the alpha now," as he said that a light shined bright from inside my then it slowly travelled into Tyrone.

After that light I suddenly felt like a layer of bricks were crushing my chest almost like I couldn't breathe, "that's it son take in all the strength from the pack and heal yourself but make sure not to kill them." As soon as the pain had stopped Tyrone was standing up straight like nothing ever happened, "you dare challenge me for my slut of an omega!" Tyrone yelled loudly and I whimpered, "yes I challenge you right here right now for the omega the last one standing gets to have her."

Tyrone shifted into his wolf his wolf looked horrible small body, long legs, ears way to big for his head and he has light orange red fur.

As he was shifting so did the challenging Alpha and as she change into a her wolf the only word I could come up with is beautiful absolutely beautiful

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As he was shifting so did the challenging Alpha and as she change into a her wolf the only word I could come up with is beautiful absolutely beautiful. She had shaggy brown fur that are all different shades of brown and her wolf was just perfect, "Okay challenger are you ready!" 

 She had shaggy brown fur that are all different shades of brown and her wolf was just perfect, "Okay challenger are you ready!" 

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Both wolves growled and as soon as it begun they started to crash and bite into each other. Tyrone jump and landed onto of the female alpha but that was his down fall because he left his neck open for attack and the alpha took it biting into his neck. She was now on top of him, "stop it now you're going to kill him." As my elder said that the stranger snapped his neck ending him when that happened Tyrone's father tried to attack the victor he got his arm bitten almost clean off.

She shifted back with her clothes now in pieces on the floor, "she is my omega now you'd be wise not to attack or challenge me for her because I will end you all if I have too." The shorter girl walked up to me and held her hand out for me, "would you like to come with me my Luna?" I stared at her in shook and my body was moving on its own causing my hand to be in hers without hesitation. What did she mean by Luna I'm just an omega?

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