chapter 3

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Seeing that truly killed me on the inside. Mainly because it was my fault.

Whatever he was hiding from me went out the window and so did him avoiding me. I couldn't stay mad or even hurt with him. Not after seeing how much pain he was going through because of me.

"Tanmoku-san? This isn't the time." Shin Shiyou demanded.

Damn. She wants an explanation.

Don't say anything or they'll look at you like you've lost your head. (Hahaha)


"What? Why?" he asked turning to her to question her. He had let go of his shirt so now he was back to being professional.

"I found You Keika in here with the Rakugetsu sword out. Like he was ready to kill something or someone." She said glancing to me quizzically.

"Keika? Why? Did someone come in?" He asked in a hurry grabbing my shoulders.

Damn her.

"He's not going to answer you." I heard In Tetsu say seriously from behind them. Standing next to him was kau in her elementary form.

"Why?" Tanmoku Ki asked glancing back.

"Isn't it obvious? He's either trying to protect them or they threatened him." In Tetsu said walking forward til he was standing a few feet from me. His eyes never left mine.

Damn. Now what? Considering you're answering me I can only presume you are still here?

(Hahaha) I am.

"You seem to be in a bind." Rakugetsu said chuckling as he appeared floating next to me startling me a bit making me visibly jump.

To which everyone caught. Which made them start asking me more questions that I didn't know how to answer.

I glanced to the side to see Rakugetsu chuckling. He was very amused. I glared in his direction silently asking him for help.

But of course In Tetsu has to catch everything.

"Hey. What's going on?" He demanded grabbing my chin in his hands roughly. He was mad for some reason which I don't know.

"Oh he cares for the youmeishi as well." Rakugetsu chuckled. "But seems not in the same way as you do."

"HEY. I asked you a question." He demanded. I glared at him trying to get out of his grip.

"Don't touch my spirit shadow." Tanmoku Ki yelled as he effortlessly ripped him off of me.

"Why? He's hiding someone." In Tetsu yelled back causing Tanmoku Ki to gasp in my direction.

I could've sworn I saw both fear and hurt cross his face briefly.

"I-is this true?" He whispered slowly walking towards me. This made everyone stare at me.

"Kiss him." Rakugetsu said simply floating around me to the other side. He seems to be studying the situation. And considering he was also a youmeishi I trusted what he said.

I know I shouldn't but right now he was helping me out and I knew that he was right. If I did tell them they wouldn't believe me. So it was just best to keep quiet. Until I know what he wants.

I did as I was told and briefly kissed him before staring at him. He was shocked.

"There. Now your master knows about me." Rakugetsu said chuckling.

What? How?

"He saw through the shared bond you guys possess." Rakugetsu said going to sit cross legged where he was earlier.

Does that mean he can see you too?

"No." Rakugetsu said letting his butterfly fly around his hand. "Make them leave."


"Do as I say." Rakugetsu said seriously.

"Uhm... I'm sorry to do this but can you leave me alone for a minute?" I asked sheepishly.

"He stays." Rakugetsu demanded.

"Uhm... C-can I have some alone time with Tanmoku Ki? Please?" I pleaded. I looked to Shin Shiyou. I knew she could make anyone clear out.

So what I needed was her to agree with me.

She sighed shaking her head as she began shooing the youkai out of the building.

"Keika?" Tanmoku Ki asked confused.

"Close the doors." Rakugetsu said.

I simply did as told and shut them. When they were shut I turned to stand side by side with Tanmoku Ki facing Rakugetsu.

"Now what?" I asked.

"Keika what's going on?" Tanmoku Ki asked curiously as he watched me closely. He knows I wouldn't just draw my sword for anything unless it were someone or something here to harm him.

"He still can't hear or see me. Just you can. All he knows is that you are talking with me or had a talk with me." Rakugetsu said playing with his yellow butterfly.

Even though he gave into evil, at that moment he looked like a gentle soul sitting there peacefully.

"So what now? I did as you asked. Now on with it." I said getting impatient. I was watching Rakugetsu closely.

He just chuckled at my impatience. "Patience. I only came for a visit and maybe have a little fun."

"Not with me around your not." I said grabbing the hilt of the Rakugetsu sword.

(Hahaha) "Are you so sure about that?" Rakugetsu said chuckling.

Somehow I wasn't. It was because of this whole scenario. It was because of Tanmoku Ki's ability to not see him.

I honestly had no idea what to do with him. The youmeishi is the one who purifies evil spirits and he can't even see him.

"Yeah I thought as much. Now you are going to help me." Rakugetsu said chuckling as he stood up and started for us.

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