One year later

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Phil was more nervous than he had ever been in his whole life. Not only was he about to get married to the man that gave him the world, but they were coming out online to all their fans. They planned to do a live stream like they used to do. But instead of their normal jabbering, it was going to be their ceremony. They had both been tweeting about it to make sure all their fans would see. "This is a good idea right?" he asked his brother Martyn, who was going to be managing the live stream to make sure it all went smoothly. "Phil it's an amazing idea. Now get out there. Otherwise, you'll have a very unhappy groom." Martyn joked, pulling his brother into a tight hug. "You're going to do amazing. All the nerves will go away when you see him." Martyn reassured. "Thank you, Martyn," Phil said, hugging his brother back tightly before walking out into the ceremony. They had the most beautiful decor, flowers hung from the ceiling like chandeliers. They had a soft pink carpet laid down the aisle and chairs on either side of it. Originally they had wanted to go simple but their moms refused this and decided that the more the merrier, dousing the ends of the seats in tree branches that made it feel like the entrance to Totoro's lair. It was magical. They decided against groomsmen and only had their Best Men. Well, Phil had a Maid of Honour, Louise. Dan had PJ. Louise and PJ were already standing near the altar waiting for Phil with huge smiles on their faces. Phil looked back at Martyn who counted down to the start of the live stream. As he reached one, Phil began walking nervously. He reached the end of the carpet and held Louise's hand, anxiously awaiting Dan.

Dan decided to type out one last tweet before the ceremony. "make sure to watch this live stream, even if you're not an avid watcher! some VERY special announcements mates" Tweet Sent! He felt like he was going to throw up everything he's ever eaten. Dan has been so anxious and so excited to finally come out to their fans. Dan locked his phone and put it in the pocket of his suit, completely black but with gold accenting on the lapel and collar and a shimmery gold pocket square, matching with his best friend PJ. But one thing that set their suits apart was the black and gold cape instead of a bridal train. Dan took a last look in the full-body mirror, deciding to take a selfie as he looked rather nice. "God I hope I don't trip." He said to himself. "You won't, Danny boy." He heard his mum say behind him. She smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Mum, please don't start crying already," Dan said humorously. "I'll try dear." Her voice cracked as she chuckled. "Are you ready? You won't want to keep Phil waiting much longer, he'll have your head." Dan took a deep breath and nodded to his mum as they took their first steps onto the aisle.

Martyn was right. As soon as Phil saw Dan everything else melted away. He was gorgeous. Absolutely stunning. Their moms must have done something very sneaky because Dan's suit was almost a copy print of Phil's but he was just the opposite. Phil was wearing a matte gold suit with the same pattern upon his lapel but printed in black. Phil was worried it would be too much but Dan was shining brighter than anything he had ever seen. Louise squeezed his hand she was wearing a long off-white gown with drippings of gold and black down it. He let go of Louise to take Dan's hand as he met him at the altar. "You're gorgeous," Phil whispered to him wiping some of the tears that he had shed, smiling wide at his to-be husband. "You take my breath away." The pastor said his spiel and they responded when they had to, but neither of the men could take their eyes off each other. "Now I am informed that you have written your own vows if you would please share them now."

The pastor handed Phil a microphone and he held it tightly and took a deep breath before speaking. "People say I talk too much. Before it was usually about plants and boring YouTube ideas, but now all I do is drag on about you. Daniel. I met you at the darkest place of my entire life. Though you already know that, I've told you countless times." He smiled at his love letting a tear fall down his cheek before speaking again "But now it is different. Now I have you. And in front of all our friends and family and now... Fans," he motioned to Martyn who was grinning ear to ear holding the camera in the front row. "I want to vow to you that forever and always, even after we have faded away, that I will be forever loving you. Cherishing you for everything you do. Even if it annoys me to my core, like having to constantly nag you about not eating your food. I will love you. I vow to never let you go more than a day without hearing me remind you of how amazing you are, how much better you make me." He was sobbing now, forcing the words out anyway, "I vow that no matter how many times you steal my covers, I will whisper my love for you. Everything I've done, from the moment I've met you to right now and forevermore, will be out of the insane love my heart feels for you. You are my parachute. My forever. And I swear to you and everyone here that I will ALWAYS be here." Phil handed the mic over to Dan and wiped his eyes quickly so he could see his love better.

Dan was already sobbing before he could even speak. "Well thanks for that now you've got me blubbering in front of billions of people," He chuckled through the tears flowing from his eyes. "Philly, I've never loved you more than anyone in my entire life. I've spent countless nights wishing that someone would notice me, and after so long for begging, I finally got you. The perfect human. I swear you were sculpted by angels and sent just for me, I have no idea what I did to deserve you but from this day on, I will make sure to keep you in my heart and arms at all times. I want to dedicate not only my life but my whole self to you. I spent too long fangirling over you, watching your videos and just because we're married doesn't mean that's going to stop any time soon. I can't wait to grow old and grey with you, complaining about back pain from still doing stupid YouTube videos. I can't wait to wake up with you every day and have you be my last thought every night before I close my eyes and dream of you. I'm so freaking glad we didn't jump off that bridge but instead, we're jumping into something so much better. You will be my parachute even after we die, Philip. I love you so, so much and I'm going to spend all day every day proving that to you." Dan could barely choke out the words through his tears of happiness.

He turned and saw Adrian walk down the aisle with two rings sitting on a light pink pillow. "Thank you, Addie." Dan hugged his brother and swore, even though he doesn't show much emotion to stuff like this, he saw tears in his little brother's eyes. Dan slipped the ring on Phil's finger. It was similar to their engagement ring, but this one had two small diamonds surrounding the engraving on the outside of the band.

Phil scuffed up Adrian's hair before taking the new ring he had made, this one was a black band with gold accents. Dan's mom helped him pick this one, with the same engraving on the inside. He slipped it on Dan's finger and grinned stupidly. "You may now kiss the groom." The priest said and Phil immediately wrapped his arms around Dan and pulled him close kissing him hard, never wanting the moment to end. My world. My sun my moon and all the stars. You're mine forever. The voice that once spat venomous words was now like a harmony in his head.

Dan smiled as he kissed his new husband. He took him in his arms and dipped Phil, kissing him deeper. My whole universe, right here in my arms. I'm still waiting to wake up from this dream, but if it wasn't then my God am I the luckiest man on Earth. The ray of light that brought colours into his black and white world.

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