Sharing Pain One-shot

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Sharing Pain Soulmate AU

Trigger warning: mentions of abuse

**Also, spoiler warning if you haven't done the Ray Route**

*Reader POV, Age 5*

Ever since I was young, I knew I had a soulmate. My mom is my dad's soulmate, my grandma is my grandpa's soulmate, and I know I have one out there, too. I know because of the injuries I receive. When my first bruises appeared, I was scared, but my parents assured me that it was the person I was meant to be with for the rest of my life. The markings would appear randomly, but they never really hurt, so I wasn't as scared as the beginning.


Over the years, I have watched the injuries of my soulmate evolve. It started as minor cuts and bruises here and there, but evolved into something I was terrified of. Scrapes appeared along the entirety of my arms and legs, rope burns on my wrists and ankles, red handprints on my cheeks and face, I was so worried for the person I had a special connection to.

Throughout my entire childhood, I watched the physical evidence of the atrocities my soulmate was subjected to, until one day, I wished with all my heart that he didn't have to feel them anymore. The next day, I woke up to a burning sensation on my wrists and a red hot sensation on my face.

Crying, I ran to my parents for help and soon found myself in a police station. Filing the police report was the easy part, it was actually trying to find my soulmate that was the problem. The police scoured my region looking for any signs of child abuse, but none of the children's injury descriptions matched those of the ones I provided.

While my parents searched, I endured. Burdening the physical pain of my soulmates injuries, while under my own personal duress for his well being affected my emotional wellness. This went on and on until the injuries suddenly stopped at about age 12.

*Reader, Age 18*

Since I was 12, I haven't had any injuries besides minor ones. I was honestly relieved that my soulmate wasn't in their terrible situation anymore and longed to meet him. Then one day, I started to have terrible dizzy spells. This continued off and on for an entire year, with me being dizzy and lightheaded for hours on end.

I was out with my parents, at a family gathering when I suddenly collapsed.

*Saeran POV, Age 19*

I never believed I had a soulmate. Never believed someone could actually care for someone as useless and weak as I am. Never believed I deserved one.

I never believed I had a soulmate, until one day I woke up with terrible bruises down the right side of my body, but no memory of having fallen.

I immediately hacked into hospital databases to see if there were any patients admitted with similar injuries to the ones I received. This went on for days, with a few results here and there, and one even relatively close by, in a coma. I was debating whether or not I should go to them when my Savior walked in.

"You've been distracted lately, Ray," my Savior stated quietly, "I've been wondering why, and I think I now understand. You seem to think you have found your soulmate right? Well, I hope you understand that the idea of soulmates is just the lies of the strong. People like us do not have soulmates."

I tried to tell my Savior otherwise; that I was certain I had a soulmate out there, but she wouldn't listen to reason.

"I'll have to up your doses of the elixir," my Savior said in a rage, storming out.

Soon, a few believers came in and held me down as they forced me to drink the elixir, sending me into a dizzying haze.

As I layed there, lightheaded and body trembling, I knew I had to find them. My soulmate was out there, and I couldn't let them down. Shakily getting to my feet after the believers had left, I made my way to the door. Stumbling throughout the halls of Magenta, I miraculously made it outside, where I stumbled down the mountains and to the nearest hospital. Upon making it to the front doors, medical staff swarmed me, as they saw my drugged and scratched up state. I fell unconscious after being admitted into the facility.

*Reader POV*

I opened my eyes to the strange scenery around me. It seemed I was in a hospital setting, but I was unsure of how I got here. Seeing me awake and gazing around the room, my parents immediately rushed to my side.

"W-what happened? Where am I?" I questioned my parents.

My mom smoothed my hair as my father grabbed my hand.

"You're in the hospital honey, we were at the family reunion last week and you suddenly collapsed, we were so worried-"

"Last week?" I interrupted my mother in alarm.

"Yes sweetie, you've been in a coma for about a week now," my mother said with tears in her eyes.

At that moment, I heard yelling from across the hall, as a man is struggling to get away from nurses and other hospital staff as they try to keep him inside of his room. In a rage, he pulls the IV from its place in his left arm. Feeling a sharp pain from my own left arm I gasp seeing blood pooling in the crease of my elbow. But my own IV happened to be in my right arm. Connecting the dots, I suddenly turn to my parents who already sprinting towards the door, "Wait!" they yelled, joining the commotion. Getting up from my place on the hospital bed, I grabbed my IV stand and used it as a crutch as I made my way to the door. Upon opening the door to my hospital room, I was met with other chaos, as the man fought off the people in his way, seemingly trying to leave the facility.

Sucking in a deep breath, I screamed as loud as I could, "Wait! Please stop!"

Suddenly all movement ceased as everyone looked at me, including the mysterious man, as I held up my right arm and removed the IV, causing the same place on the man's arm to slowly trickle blood. The man's eyes widened a fraction before he walked toward me and encased me in a warm hug.

"I'm Saeran," the man said, " who are you?"

"I'm (y/n)," I said with tears in my eyes, "and I'm really glad you're here."

"Me too," Saeran said, leaning down and placing a sweet kiss on my lips.

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