Rainy days ☔️(Shouto Todoroki X fem! Reader)

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Listen to the background music for the best experience (you don't have to of course)
Image credit goes to the artist
Source: Pinterest
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It was an average day in UA, (Y/N) was a student from class 1A- who got accepted into the hero course after she passed the entrance exam with flying colors. (Y/N) was strong headed and kind to everyone, always searching to make friends. She wasn't the most confident of the bunch, but worked everyday to make herself better.

(Y/N) was the emotional strong suit of class 1-A , always there for her comrades to lend a helping hand and support her friends in any way possible, and that included everyone in the class, even her now best friend; Todoroki Shouto...

"Alright class, that's enough for today." -Aizawa called at his students, wrapping himself in his well known caterpillar-like yellow sleeping bag.

"I'm so damn tired!~ I could sleep for ages." Mina yawned as she threw herself on (Y/N), hugging the (Your height) female tightly , and her pink locks tickling the back of her neck.

"Minaaaaa, You're sticky and sweaty!" (Y/N) complained teasingly as she wiped her sweat off, her gaze traveling up to the dark clouds forming in the sky.

"Oh , and (Y/N) (L/N) . Your performance has been below average these days, I will need to have a talk with you if this keeps going on" Aizawa mentioned to the female , his dark eyes baring a deep glare at her.

To be honest , as bright and cheerful as (Y/N) was, and as hard as she worked every day- her performance had been falling short lately. As the months had passed in the prestigious hero academy, all the students had been getting better using their quirks, meanwhile (Y/N) fell behind.

"Ah.. yes sensei" - (Y/N) replied before lowering her head, her thoughts beginning to cloud with the lecture she was going to get soon.

"Hey.. cheer up (Y/N) , I'll take you out for ice cream if you give me a smile!"- Mina mentioned shaking (Y/N) , trying to cheer the girl up.

"No need! It's not a big deal" (Y/N) replied before clearing her throat and walking off. "I'll meet you later mina!" She cheerfully called before heading to Aizawa.

What (Y/N) didint notice was how the half and half male had been staring from afar at the small girl, as Midoryia and Uraraka sat with him.

"Todoroki-kun, are you Alright?" Midoryia questioned giving him a small comforting smile. Uraraka was sitting besides the green haired boy as they looked up at Shouto.

"Yes, Im Alright. It should be (Y/N) you should be worried about.." He mentioned in his usual cold tone, his eyes glazing over at the female who was now speaking to Aizawa, most likely about her unusual change lately.

"Ah, do you want us to talk to her?" Uraraka piped up in curiosity "you're worried aren't you?.." .

Shouto quickly looked away and cleared his throat. "I'd appreciate if you tried talking to her" - he murmured under his breath. As (Y/N)'s best friend, Shouto was always there for her in her ups and downs just like she was there for him, yet he always felt insecure about his words. He wasn't the type to do proper motivational speaking, that was more of his friends strong suit.

"I think you should talk to her" Midoryia softly mentioned as he nudged Shouto's shoulder.
"She would like it if the words came out of you more"

Uraraka nodded in agreement, as the optimistic pair tried encouraging the icyhot.

Shouto looked up at the dark clouds as they tried convincing him, his thoughts now traveling away from them. (Y/N) had always been there for him, ever since the beginning. When he arrived to UA , a lot of the students eventually gave up on interacting with him because of his antisocial stance towards them, yet (Y/N) never gave up. She kept going after him and trying to look for common interests to get the cold boy to open up, until one day he finally did. He only let the girl take a peek at his personality, at his being, and she never left. (Y/N) took a piece of his heart, and it was the best thing that could have ever happened to him.

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